Dumindu Madunuwan
Dumindu Madunuwan
Sorry @srawlins , I moved this repo to https://learning-rust.github.io/
@apiep Thanks for the suggestion. As I know Firefox is not allowing to read system preferences. Also even it could read, I think it should be applied only on first...
Hi @apiep , Feel free to create a PR. I've also tested the xpi file you attached and never knew that now Firefox supports system theme even for themes. Nice...
@ashtonlance Somehow I have missed this. The issue is Firefox doesn't support this. Ex. You can try the builtin dark theme of Firefox. Correct me, if I am wrong.
@donnemartin If you convert this to a [Gitbook](https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer/issues/7) , it gives interfaces to download this as pdf, epub and etc.
If we can add these under releases, things will be more visible and accessible to all :)
@ciel I would love to test, if you can share the json file.
@whizkydee https://plugins.jetbrains.com/contest/intellij-themes/2019
generated file: /ansible/roles/server/tasks/main.yml ``` - name: Install Extra Packages sudo: yes apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: server.packages when: server.packages is defined ``` should have to be ``` - name:...
@SukkaW @noraj @curbengh even [gorm.io](https://gorm.io/docs/) uses the same theme. I am also using the same theme with small modifications in [learning-rust.github.io](https://learning-rust.github.io/docs/a1.why_rust.html). I removed extra component and created a minimal doc...