vscode-palenight-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-palenight-theme copied to clipboard

[Suggestion] Please support for IntelliJ IDEs

Open dumindu opened this issue 5 years ago • 5 comments

Related with #22, With the 2019.1 release, custom UI Themes are officially supported by IntelliJ IDEA now. http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/reference_guide/ui_themes/themes_intro.html

dumindu avatar Mar 15 '19 07:03 dumindu

Would definitely love this. I've been trying for a few hours and have made some progress. I'll share the JSON file here shortly.

I was very surprised at how easy it was to setup and preview. Though I'd rather it come from the original creator.

ciel avatar Apr 03 '19 20:04 ciel

@ciel I would love to test, if you can share the json file.

dumindu avatar Apr 05 '19 06:04 dumindu

@whizkydee https://plugins.jetbrains.com/contest/intellij-themes/2019

dumindu avatar Apr 27 '19 03:04 dumindu

Here's what I've got so far, but it's very far from complete.

  "ui"           : {
    "*"                        : {
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      "selectionInactiveForeground" : "#f8f8f2"
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      "borderColor"     : "#292D3E"
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      "Violet" : "#bd93f9"
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      "passedEndColor"          : "#50fa7b"
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      "warningBackground"  : "#ffb86c"
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  "icons"        : {
    "ColorPalette" : {
      "Actions.Blue"                      : "#8be9fd",
      "Actions.Green"                     : "#50fa7b",
      "Actions.Grey"                      : "#f8f8f2",
      "Actions.GreyInline.Dark"           : "#50fa7b",
      "Actions.GreyInline"                : "#50fa7b",
      "Actions.Red"                       : "#ff5554",
      "Actions.Yellow"                    : "#f1fa8c",
      "Objects.Blue"                      : "#8be9fd",
      "Objects.Green"                     : "#50fa7b",
      "Objects.GreenAndroid"              : "#50fa7b",
      "Objects.Grey"                      : "#bd93f9",
      "Objects.Pink"                      : "#ff79c6",
      "Objects.Purple"                    : "#bd93f9",
      "Objects.Red"                       : "#ff5554",
      "Objects.RedStatus"                 : "#ff5554",
      "Objects.Yellow"                    : "#f1fa8c",
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      "Checkbox.Border.Default"           : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Border.Default.Dark"      : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Border.Selected"          : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Border.Selected.Dark"     : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Background.Default"       : "#6272a4",
      "Checkbox.Background.Default.Dark"  : "#6272a4",
      "Checkbox.Foreground.Selected"      : "#f8f8f2",
      "Checkbox.Foreground.Selected.Dark" : "#f8f8f2",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Wide"               : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Wide.Dark"          : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Thin.Selected"      : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Thin.Selected.Dark" : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Thin.Default"       : "#bd93f9",
      "Checkbox.Focus.Thin.Default.Dark"  : "#bd93f9"

ciel avatar Aug 17 '19 18:08 ciel

@dumindu @ciel Hi, I'm looking into how to import this theme into Webstorm because it's a really great theme (I already use it in vscode), and I'd like to know how you imported the json file into Webstorm. Thanks!

RomainLt avatar Nov 30 '22 10:11 RomainLt