Chenny Du
Chenny Du
I think the issue is the default UID and GID is hardcoded as 1000, and his id are not, I think it is more suitable not to hardcode that but...
Try yourself, I did try mysql and sqlite
Hang on, there is a issue when trying to save a note in mysql, why the data is save as binary? We could have a base64 encode to convert it...
1. Sorry that was my fault 2. I saw the readme, saying that you can put config files inside that config dir, so you dont have to pass in via...
**MySQL support** 1. Code: add `PyMySQL` into `requirements.txt` 2. Doc: Advise user in readme to use below connect string as their `DATABASE_URI` ``` mysql+pymysql://user:pass@some_mariadb/dbname?charset=utf8mb4 ``` **PgSQL support** 1. Code: add...
Need to specify the length of varchar column to make mysql working
PR submited
I can confirm this bug, here is my configure: ```yaml esphome: name: $device_name platform: ESP8266 board: $board_model build_path: build/$device_name # esp8266_restore_from_flash: yes substitutions: board_model: nodemcuv2 device_name: helloworld wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid...
遇到类似问题, 我的wifi 深夜会关闭 早上看到wifi灯在闪, 开关都是关的 但是从ha看设备在线 开关也是关的 dc1主开关 关一编再打开就正常了 在老的固件上不存在的. 远程查看日志的命令是什么, 我准备收集日志看看.
三木已经确认问题, 等修复