issues copied to clipboard
ST7735 appears to cause ESP8266 to fail to connect to Wifi
Operating environment/Installation ( 2021.6.4 ESP8266 (NodeMCU v3 & Wemos B1 Mini)
Lolin NodeMCU v3
Chip Info:
- Chip Family: ESP8266
- Chip Model: ESP8266EX
- Flash Size: 4MB
- Flash Frequency: 40MHz
ESPHome V1.19.4 (Stable)
Affected component:
Description of problem:
I cant quite figure out why, but when using (essentially) the same YAML config with the ST7735 display and with a PCF8574, the code will comple just fine on both, and will run on the ESP8266, however the one using the ST7735 will constantly fail to connect to Wi-Fi with: reason='Auth Expired'
The Lambda code isnt exactly "pretty" but it does work just fine with the PCF8574. (i've added comments to explain what it's doing) It "runs" with the ST7735 (the time and date will show on the TFT and update as expected) but the device will never connect to Wi-Fi
Problem-relevant YAML-configuration entries:
device_name: lcd_test
device_pretty_name: LCD Test
name: ${device_name}
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcuv2
ssid: !secret ssid_name
password: !secret ssid_pass
fast_connect: true
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "${device_pretty_name} Direct"
#use_address: led_strip.local
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
- file: "fonts/arial.ttf"
id: arial
size: 18
- id: display_width
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '160'
- id: Li
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- id: Le
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
#Query HA for data from the sensor: sensor.front_bedroom_temperature
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: media_player.bedroom
id: bedroom_media_state
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: media_player.bedroom
id: bedroom_media_type
attribute: media_content_type
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.bedroom_media_title
id: bedroom_media_title
- lambda: |-
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.bedroom_media_name
id: bedroom_media_name
- lambda: |-
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
# Li = Line Increment, Le = Line End
- platform: sntp
id: my_time
clk_pin: D5
miso_pin: D6
mosi_pin: D7
- platform: st7735
reset_pin: D1
cs_pin: D4
dc_pin: D2
rotation: 90
device_width: 128
device_height: 160
col_start: 0
row_start: 0
eight_bit_color: true
update_interval: 1s
id: my_lcd_display
lambda: |-
// Setup variables from HA for easier accessability
std::string media_state = id(bedroom_media_state).state;
std::string media_type = id(bedroom_media_type).state;
std::string media_title = id(bedroom_media_title).state;
std::string media_name = id(bedroom_media_name).state;
//Get lenghts of strings
int media_title_length = media_title.length();
int media_name_length = media_name.length();
int media_max_length = 0;
int media_length_diff = 0;
if (media_title_length > 20) {
media_title = media_title + ' ';
media_title_length ++;
} else if (media_name_length > 20) {
media_name = media_name + ' ';
media_name_length ++;
// find which variable is longer: name or title? This is needed to pad one to the length of the other in case both are bigger than the display.
// If name is bigger, set media_max_length to media_name_length and media_length_diff to media_name_length - media_title_length
if (media_name_length > media_title_length) {
media_max_length = media_name_length;
media_length_diff = media_name_length - media_title_length;
// Otherwise, If title is bigger, set media_max_length to media_title_length and media_length_diff to media_title_length - media_name_length
} else if (media_title_length > media_name_length) {
media_max_length = media_title_length;
media_length_diff = media_title_length - media_name_length;
// If nothing is playing, just show the time
if ((media_state == "") | (media_state == "off")) {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
//print the first 2 lines; line 1 is the current 12 hour time, line 2 is the current date in "dd MMM YYYY" format
it.strftime(0,0,id(arial),"%I:%M:%S %p", id(my_time).now());
it.strftime(0,25,id(arial),"%d %B %Y", id(my_time).now());
// If state is "unavailable" then the sensor we're pulling data from must be offline
} else if (media_state == "unavailable") {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
//print the first 2 lines; line 1 is the current 12 hour time, line 2 is the current date in "dd MMM YYYY" format
it.strftime(0,0,id(arial),"%I:%M:%S %p", id(my_time).now());
it.strftime(0,25,id(arial),"%d %B %Y", id(my_time).now());
it.print(0,50,id(arial),"Check Connection!");
} else {
// If state is playing, print playing, if its paused, print paused
if (media_state == "playing") {
it.print(0,0,id(arial),"Now Playing:");
} else if (media_state == "paused") {
// Uncomment this to display the difference in length of the name and title on the 4th line of the display (debugging)
//it.print(0,50,id(arial),"Diff: " + to_string(media_length_diff));
// If the type is music or tvshow
if ((media_type == "music") | (media_type == "tvshow")) {
// If both the name and title are display_width characters or less, just display them
if ((media_name_length <= id(display_width)) & (media_title_length <= id(display_width))) {
// If both the name and title are greater than display_width characters
} else if ((media_name_length > id(display_width)) & (media_title_length > id(display_width))) {
// If media_name_length is bigger than media_title_length, append media_length_diff spaces to media_title_length
if (media_name_length > media_title_length) {
media_title.append((media_length_diff), ' ');
} else
// If media_title_length is bigger than media_name_length, append media_length_diff spaces to media_name_length
if (media_title_length > media_name_length) {
media_name.append((media_length_diff), ' ');
// Starting from Character Li; display the next display_width characters
// Add 2 to Li
id(Li) += 2;
// If Li is bigger than media_max_length, reset it to 0
if (id(Li) > media_max_length - id(display_width)){
it.print(0,25,id(arial),media_name.substr((media_max_length - id(display_width)),id(display_width)).c_str());
it.print(0,50,id(arial),media_title.substr((media_max_length - id(display_width)),id(display_width)).c_str());
id(Le) ++;
if (id(Le) > 1) {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
// If media_name is bigger than display_width but media_title is less than display_width
} else if ((media_name_length > id(display_width)) & (media_title_length <= id(display_width))) {
// Starting from Character Li; display the next display_width characters from media_name
id(Li) += 2;
// If Li is bigger than media_max_length, reset it to 0
if (id(Li) > media_max_length - id(display_width)){
it.print(0,25,id(arial),media_name.substr((media_max_length - id(display_width)),id(display_width)).c_str());
id(Le) ++;
if (id(Le) > 1) {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
// Print media_title as is
// If media_title is bigger than display_width but media_name is less than display_width
} else if ((media_name_length <= id(display_width)) & (media_title_length > id(display_width))) {
// Print media_name as is
// Starting from Character Li; display the next display_width characters from media_title
id(Li) += 2;
// If Li is bigger than media_max_length, reset it to 0
if (id(Li) > media_max_length - id(display_width)){
it.print(0,50,id(arial),media_title.substr((media_max_length - id(display_width)),id(display_width)).c_str());
id(Le) ++;
if (id(Le) > 1) {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
// If the type is movie or game, it won't have a name, only a title
} else if ((media_type == "movie") | (media_type == "game")){
// If media_title is less than or equal to display_width, print as is
if (media_title_length <= id(display_width)) {
} else {
// Starting from Character Li; display the next display_width characters from media_title
id(Li) += 2;
// If Li is bigger than media_max_length, reset it to 0
if (id(Li) > media_max_length - id(display_width)){
it.print(0,25,id(arial),media_title.substr((media_max_length - id(display_width)),id(display_width)).c_str());
id(Le) ++;
if (id(Le) > 1) {
id(Li) = 0;
id(Le) = 0;
Logs (if applicable):
[17:40:03]rl[I][logger:170]: Log initialized
[17:40:03][C][ota:366]: There have been 1 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[17:40:03][I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[17:40:03][C][spi:022]: Setting up SPI bus...
[17:40:03][C][st7735:235]: Setting up ST7735...
[17:40:04][D][st7735:247]: START
[17:40:04][C][st7735:372]: ST7735
[17:40:04][C][st7735:372]: Rotations: 90 °
[17:40:04][C][st7735:372]: Dimensions: 160px x 128px
[17:40:04][C][st7735:373]: Model: ST7735 BLACKTAB
[17:40:04][C][st7735:374]: CS Pin: GPIO2 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:40:04][C][st7735:375]: DC Pin: GPIO4 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:40:04][C][st7735:376]: Reset Pin: GPIO5 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:40:04][D][st7735:377]: Buffer Size: 20480
[17:40:04][D][st7735:378]: Height: 160
[17:40:04][D][st7735:379]: Width: 128
[17:40:04][D][st7735:380]: ColStart: 0
[17:40:04][D][st7735:381]: RowStart: 0
[17:40:04][C][st7735:382]: Update Interval: 1.0s
[17:40:04][D][st7735:249]: END
[17:40:05][C][wifi:033]: Setting up WiFi...
[17:40:05][I][wifi:194]: WiFi Connecting to 'REDACTED'...
[17:40:10][W][wifi_esp8266:444]: Event: Disconnected ssid='REDACTED' bssid=8A:2A:A8:14:2A:C3 reason='Auth Expired'
[17:40:10][W][wifi:485]: Error while connecting to network.
[17:40:10][W][wifi:522]: Restarting WiFi adapter...
Last 4 lines repeat indefinetly...
Additional information and things you've tried: Changing wifi details to connect to other AP's (Mobile hostspot) without success.
Update: I can confirm this exact same yaml config runs without issues on the ESP-Wroom-32 (Just updating the platform and board)
I also have similar problems on nodemcu v3 On ESP-Wroom-32 it runs ok.
I can confirm this bug, here is my configure:
name: $device_name
platform: ESP8266
board: $board_model
build_path: build/$device_name
# esp8266_restore_from_flash: yes
board_model: nodemcuv2
device_name: helloworld
wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
wifi_password: !secret wifi_password
wifi_fast_connect: "true"
wifi_reboot_timeout: 600s
ota_password: !secret ota_password
api_reboot_timeout: 600s
ssid: $wifi_ssid
password: $wifi_password
# manual_ip:
# static_ip:
# gateway:
# subnet:
# dns1:
# dns2:
domain: .local
reboot_timeout: $wifi_reboot_timeout
power_save_mode: none
fast_connect: $wifi_fast_connect
ssid: $device_name
password: $wifi_password
ap_timeout: 30s
port: 80
# Enable logging
# hardware_uart: UART0
level: DEBUG
baud_rate: 115200
number: GPIO2
inverted: True
password: $ota_password
password: $ota_password
clk_pin: D5
mosi_pin: D6
# miso_pin: D6
- platform: st7735
cs_pin: D8
dc_pin: D7
reset_pin: D3
device_width: 128
device_height: 160
col_start: 0
row_start: 0
eight_bit_color: true
lambda: |-
it.rectangle(0, 0, it.get_width()/2, it.get_height()/2, id(my_red));
- id: my_red
red: 100%
green: 3%
blue: 5%
Same behaviour with ESP8266 nodemcu which does not connect if an amg8833 sensor is connected of a VL53L0X or any other sensor using SDA SCL pins. The same code works if the hardware is not connected. The example config for every hardware (without ESPHome that is) work just fine to the same wifi setup.
Just duplicated this same issue. Using a Wemos D1 Mini and once I add the config for the ST7735, I start seeing wifi connection timeouts.
I believe I have the same (or exceptionally similar) issue.
In my case I am trying to connect a 20x4 LCD display using ESPHome. I have tried both an ESP8266 D1 Mini and an ESP8266 NodeMCU. I intend to connect the display is connected through a PCF8474 module.
- When the display is connected to the SDA and SCL pins the text on the display will update but the ESP8266 will not connect to WiFi.
- When the display is disconnected from the SDA and SCL pins the ESP8266 will connect to WiFi.
My YAML file is as follows (set up for the NodeMCU test case)
name: sprinkler
platform: ESP8266
# board: d1_mini
board: nodemcuv2
devicename: sprinkler
friendly_name: sprinkler
- ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
ssid: "AP_${devicename}"
# Enable the captive portal for inital WiFi setup
# Enable logging
# level: VERBOSE
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable OTA upgrade
password: !secret ESPHome_OTA_password
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
- platform: status
name: "${friendly_name} Status"
sda: D2
scl: D1
- platform: lcd_pcf8574
dimensions: 20x4
address: 0x27
lambda: |-
it.strftime(2,0, "%H:%M:%S", id(homeassistant_time).now());
I have the exact same problem,
- If I let SDA / SCL pins connected, WiFi will struggle to connect (sometimes does not connect at all, and will switch to AP,
- If I disconnect SCL, WiFi connects just fine,
It looks like screens / I2C devices mess up with the WiFi connexion.
Some logs ;
[23:41:52][W][wifi:572]: Restarting WiFi adapter... [23:41:53][I][wifi:248]: WiFi Connecting to 'mine'... [23:41:55][W][wifi_esp8266:482]: Event: Disconnected ssid='mine' bssid=MAC reason='Auth Expired' [23:41:55][W][wifi:536]: Error while connecting to network. [23:41:55][W][wifi:572]: Restarting WiFi adapter... [23:42:00][D][wifi:373]: Starting scan... [23:42:07][D][wifi:388]: Found networks: [23:42:07][I][wifi:431]: - ... WiFi networks list [23:42:07][I][wifi:248]: WiFi Connecting to 'mine'... [23:42:09][W][wifi_esp8266:482]: Event: Disconnected ssid='mine' bssid=MAC reason='Auth Expired' [23:42:09][W][wifi:536]: Error while connecting to network. [23:42:09][W][wifi:572]: Restarting WiFi adapter... [23:42:10][I][wifi:248]: WiFi Connecting to 'mine'...
Board ; ESP8266 (Nodemcu) Configuration ; the one in this cookbook, exactly the same (delta fonts used and sensors names) :
I have other similar boards with and without using I2C, they are running fine. The most complex of them exploit I2C to use an Arduino Nano as a GPIO expander, so I guess the underlying problem is in I2C + OLED / TFT.
Try changing your display's update_interval
Setting this to 2s enabled my device to connect to my WiFi.
Try increasing the i2c frequency. That has been a common solution.
Same issue for me -- Wemos D1 with a 4x20 display via lcd_pcf8574
gives the auth error on WiFi.
Can confirm that increasing the i2c bus speed from the default 50kHz ixes the issue:
sda: GPIO4
scl: GPIO5
frequency: 100kHz