
Results 19 issues of ducdetronquito

Hi ! I would like to suggest small changes to Zig standard library on the `http` package. ### 1. Provide a simple `Header` type in the public API Currently `HeaderEntry`...

Hi @Vexu ! Few days ago, I started a [small library](https://github.com/ducdetronquito/http) to bundle all HTTP core types for Zig into one place. I really want to use *zuri* as the...

Hi @alexnask ! I use iguanaTLS for my http client ([requestz](https://github.com/ducdetronquito/requestz)) and it works like a charm ! But yesterday, someone figured out he could not request a specific HTTP...

- [x] Uses Zig 0.9.0 - [x] Create a new `Header` event - [ ] Be allocation free - [ ] Frame requests properly - [ ] Be able to...

work in progress

work in progress

work in progress

StatusCode.reason() for standard status code values, ex: "OK", "BAD REQUEST", etc...


The *http* core types must define a correct header multimap. Some good work has already been done by @daurnimator and other contributors in the [standard library](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/http/headers.zig), and I feel like...


As proposed by @kristoff-it; > I would be interested in seeing also an interface that doesn't require an allocator. > You need to do a bit of gymnastics with tuples...
