
Results 19 comments of ducdetronquito

> >Has an extra never_index field (link) > > This should continue to exist Could you explain why ? It seems only related to how `Headers` internal storage works, but...

Oh sorry, I had only the HTTP/1.1 in mind: thanks for the explanation ! I will make a PR this weekend to make `HeaderEntry` public and provide an allocation free...

Hi @daurnimator, After re-reading the HTTP/2 specs you linked about [never-indexed literals](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7541.html#rfc.section.7.1.3), it seems this concept only apply for the HPACK compression step. Moreover, the specs refers to it as...

Hi everyone, I think it is a good move to remove the HTTP headers implementation from the standard library, as it can allow us more freedom to experiment things at...

First rework step made with the PR https://github.com/ducdetronquito/http/pull/7. The idea is to avoid the complexity of a proper multimap implementation by providing a simple list of headers. **Advantages**: - Very...

Headers in the standard library `asynchttpserver` and `asynchttpcore` do not follow the [RFC 6265](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265). When I have a better understanding of the RFC I may submit PRs to Nim, in...

Hi @elerch ! Sorry for the very, very late answer: I hadn't time to work on requestz after summer... Thanks for your PR, it was a good catch ! I...

Hi @helinwang ! Could you give me a snippet of code to reproduce your problem ? Have a nice day :)

After very light analysis, it seems that `api.forismatic.com` used TLS 1.3 but [iguanaTLS](https://github.com/alexnask/iguanaTLS), the library *requestz* uses to enable TLS, only support TLS 1.2. I am not very confortable with...