`virtual pinocchio::Force computeForce(pinocchio::ReferenceFrame rf) const = 0;`
`fext` is not updated based on the value of the lagrangian multipliers of the problems for user-specified constraints.
Currently, keyboard handling is implemented in the environment itself, by intercepting key strokes on the terminal. It is working but confusing for the user since the window popup on top...
Python native code is properly documented, but it is not the case for the C++ API and the Python bindings (which are using the same documentation in most cases). It...
Taking inspiration from [here]( and [here]( See [stackoverflow post](
`telemetrySender_.registerNewEntry` should return a handle with `updateValue` already specialized to this specific variable, so that it avoids having to search it in the whole dictionary of registered variables systematically.
So far, only continuous joint position sensors, 3D force sensors, and Quat/Gyro/Accelo IMUs are available. It would be useful to have 1D force sensors (z-axis only), Gyzo/Accelero IMUs, joint torque...
Those features are already available for sensors. Adding them to the motors should be straightforward.