Dmytro Sych
Dmytro Sych
Is there any plan to implement this? Maybe I could have a crack at it if someone where to point me in the right direction?
@bfredl I looked into how vim is handling mouse hover for terminal first (this is my use case) and it seems to be piggybacking off of existing logic for timers....
@bfredl Sorry for long delay, but I got a chance to debug the event parsing code of nvim and try to figure out what I need to modify. This is...
@tim-lai @hkosova @Simran-B @shockey @webron what do you still need to be able to merge this PR? Let us know, so that we can help you address those things and...
btw, [Redoc](, your competitor, [advertises]( support for polymorphism as one of their killer features... Just saying.
you can do the following: ```lua cmp.setup.cmdline("@", { sources = cmp.config.sources({ { name = "path" }, { name = "cmdline" }, }), }) ``` [:h getcmdtype()](, look at `@`
Wow this was fast! Great to hear that you will consider it. I use it daily to work on c++ code and so far it has been a blast.
vimspector comes with a set of predefined keybindings to manage debug sessions, [see this]( so we just need to set `let g:vimspector_enable_mappings`. i have also seen people define keymaps for...
oh, and using the same window ids you can shift the layout as well, say you dont want the terminal window or you would like to adjust the size of...
It does not appear to be the case, since I tried a standalone vimspector session and am able to reproduce the problem. Anyway, I switched to a different source file...