From @sammefford: Twice today this page: https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/java/document-operations#id_75882 gave me an error something like "the following script won't stop" when I closed Firefox for being too slow: Script: https://munchkin.marketo.net/151/munchkin.js:6 I wonder...
Currently, if you send a url like: `http://developer.marklogic.com/guide/search-dev/binary-document-metadata%0D/yabb.pl` to dmc, it throws an XDMP-URI (and then sends an email to us to tell us there was a bad request). I...
In the apidoc, currently the transformation code has an assumption that if there are subcategories, then we will not create a category summary page. For many things, this is sensible....
The code that creates the JavaScript apis takes the xquery function names and camelCases them for JavaScript. It should do the same thing for parameter names. For example, [temporal.documentLoad](http://docs.marklogic.com/temporal.documentLoad) has...
In some cases, the toc titles overlap the leaf pages. Here is an example: http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/jsref/api#id_90070
From @hunterhacker I notice that docs.marklogic.com takes a long time to load initially, when I'm in an overseas location. Lots of net waiting. I suspect one thing that's slowing things...
We are not sure why yet, but some recent changes (in last month or so) made the facet links not work properly. @dmcassel did a quick fix that made them...
I have seen some issues with the disqus comments causing javascript errors and page hangs. Here is an example: http://docs.marklogic.com/7.0/xdmp:set-session-field It seems like it is in something called require.js (disqus...