Dan Shaw

Results 28 comments of Dan Shaw

+1 for shifting focus away from TOC Contributors to the TAG/WGs. My only recommendation is to comb the TAG docs for references to "TOC Contributor" status before removing it completely....

One of the strongest voices I've heard across the project over the past 6 months has been a desire to foster accountability. Blind voting seems counter to the general norms...

With regard to blind votes being "appropriate for adding new members", let's use an example to model the concern I'm expressing: [TSC Nomination: Daniel Bevenius](https://github.com/nodejs/TSC/issues/419). [As of my writing this](https://github.com/nodejs/TSC/issues/419#issuecomment-344988083),...

+1 for having the Chair handle the responsibility of confidentiality.

@hackygolucky This seems like a great idea. From what I've observed, the #1 need in the CommComm right now is active collaborators. Given that need, I would propose that primary...

I have begun provisioning the space for this group at https://github.com/nodejs/advisory-group .

Fixed the issue mentioned by @Trott in https://github.com/nodejs/enterprise-advisory-group/issues/2

Foundation team has updated Zoom credentials. I’m unable to start the meeting. Cancelling today’s meeting. Thanks everyone.

@boneskull We are looking at 2018-06-08 for the next session.

Updated Zoom link for those joining us: https://zoom.us/j/219327501