Dan Shaw

Results 28 comments of Dan Shaw

@mihaiep Thanks for the heads-up. Good luck!

@mhdawson Can you start the stream?

Yes. https://www.meetup.com/Nodejs-Online-Meetup/

September meetup invitation: https://github.com/nodejs/user-feedback/issues/90

Note the v12 release date is targeting for 2018-04-23. Source of truth: https://github.com/nodejs/release#release-schedule

@jasnell's slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sT0aFE1jMw7JUAoJwx2qZiITSeArk6281ejyZeD5GXU/edit#slide=id.g45eb3f058f_0_158

@jasnell Can you either make the deck public or publish to some other public platform? Thank you.