Aye Chan
Aye Chan
Hi @Maryom, you can use [SwiftTheming](https://github.com/dscyrescotti/SwiftTheming) for your SwiftUI project. Check it out.
After digging out the bug, I found that the Project Navigator highlights the file opened via "Open In Tab" as soon as the window is no longer active. https://github.com/CodeEditApp/CodeEdit/assets/67727096/162bf97f-5657-4417-bb91-0ff21f0cfae9
@Wouter01 yes it's indeed with the outlineview which doesn't update properly when tab is changed. So, it causes state inconsistency between the outlineview and active tab group. After a long...
Yes, the fix was already included on that PR.
@edonv Good finding! Thank you for raising it here. Ideally, it should update inside ButtonStyle as well. I will take a look into this issue.
@Sosotess93 Great finding! Thank you for bringing up it. It seems something was broken with navigation link. :) Sure, I will take a look into it.
@Sosotess93 Since I couldn't reproduce your issue on device (iOS 16.5.1) as well as simulator (iOS 16.4), I wonder if it's happening on a specific iOS version. So could you...