droopler_project copied to clipboard
Hello, I've just tried to use the install procedure available on git. I've started with composer create-project droptica/droopler-project droopler8310 "^8.3.1" (this is for you to know the profile version) Then...
After uploding files from https://github.com/droptica/droopler_project on hosting and running : composer install composer drupal:scaffold composer install it dosn't start drupall installation screen. Could you give more detailed information how to...
Hey. Any chance of instructions on how to run droopler 3.3 or 4.0 on drupal 10?
Droopler is a Drupal 10.1 profile
Looks like a great project. I understand composer dependency issues come and go like the wind, but I wanted you to be aware. $ composer create-project droptica/droopler-project droopler "^8.3.1" Creating...
- Updated composer.json (droopler version) - ddev config & commands. - README.md (added ddev commands)