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Droopler template for new project


Droopler is a Drupal 10 profile designed to kickstart a new webpage in a few minutes. It's based on the latest frontend technologies, including Bootstrap 5. The maintainer of Droopler is Droptica.

For the latest news, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

What is this Droopler template?

It's a skeleton, a boilerplate for new projects based on Droopler. If you wish to use Droopler - fork (or download) this repository. It contains a minimal set of code to start your new site. Threat it the same way as drupal/recommended-project or drupal-composer/drupal-project.

This repository includes:

  • composer.json with all dependencies required to run Droopler.
  • .gitignore adjusted to use GIT with Drupal.
  • Boilerplate subtheme with minimal required CSS/SCSS and Javascript. It contains gulpfile.js to speed up development of Drupal's frontend.

Deploy on Platform.sh

You can deploy and host your Droopler installation on Platform.sh.

Deploy Droopler on Platform.sh

Quick start

Fork this repository and clone the newly created to your local machine.

Local development

This section provides instructions for running the Droopler distribution locally.

Using custom development environment

  1. Run composer create-project droptica/droopler-project <path> "^8.4" to install the project and its dependencies.
  2. Run npm to download the theme dependencies and compile assets.

    Droopler uses the npm stack to speed up the development of new sites. It compiles SCSS to CSS, allows Autoprefixer to handle browser compatibility, and minimizes all JavaScript files. Install Node v18 and npm on your computer and run the following commands in the root directory of your project:
$ cd web/profiles/contrib/droopler/themes/custom/droopler_theme
$ npm install

$ cd web/themes/custom/droopler_subtheme
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
  1. Run Drupal installation.
    Go to http://yourserver.local/install.php and follow the steps of configuration.

Using DDEV

  1. Install ddev.
  2. Run ddev config to configure the project.
  3. Run ddev start to start the project.
  4. Run ddev composer install to download the project dependencies.
  5. If you notice problems with accessing to the repository, run ddev auth ssh to add the keys from your ~/.ssh directory to the web container and run ddev composer install command once again.
  6. Run ddev theme to install the theme dependencies and compile assets. By default, production assets are compiled. You can run ddev theme dev to compile assets for development. You can also run ddev theme watch to watch for changes in SCSS and JS and process them on the fly.
  7. Go to the URL provided by ddev and finish installing the website. You can also run ddev build-profile to build the Droopler profile from the CLI (you will get a fully featured version, with blog, products and demo content).

Using Lando

  1. Install lando.
  2. Run lando start to start the project.
  3. Run lando prepare to build the project's code. Alternatively, you can run lando composer install to download the project dependencies, and then lando theme-production and lando subtheme-production to compile assets.
  4. Go to the URL provided by lando info and finish installing the website. You can also build the Droopler profile from the CLI. Run lando build-full-profile for the fully-featured version, or lando build-full-profile for the minimal one.

Using DDEV connected to a database instance on an active Platform.sh environment

This is instructions for running the template locally, connected to a live database instance on an active Platform.sh environment.

In all cases for developing with Platform.sh, it's important to develop on an isolated environment - do not connect to data on your production environment when developing locally. Each of the options below assume that you have already deployed this template to Platform.sh, as well as the following starting commands:

platform get PROJECT_ID
cd project-name
platform environment:branch updates

DDEV provides an integration with Platform.sh that makes it simple to develop Drupal locally. Check the providers documentation for the most up-to-date information.

In general, the steps are as follows:

  1. Install ddev.
  2. A configuration file has already been provided at .ddev/providers/platform.yaml, so you should not need to run ddev config.
  3. Retrieve an API token for your organization via the management console.
  4. Update your ddev global configuration file to use the token you've just retrieved:
    - PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN=abcdeyourtoken
  5. Run ddev restart.
  6. Get your project ID with platform project:info. If you have not already connected your local repo with the project (as is the case with a source integration, by default), you can run platform project:list to locate the project ID, and platform project:set-remote PROJECT_ID to configure Platform.sh locally.
  7. Update the .ddev/providers/platform.yaml file for your current setup:
    project_id: PROJECT_ID
    environment: CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT
    application: drupal
  8. Get the current environment's data with ddev pull platform.
  9. When you have finished with your work, run ddev stop and ddev poweroff.


For many of the steps above, you may need to include the CLI flags -p PROJECT_ID and -e ENVIRONMENT_ID if you are not in the project directory or if the environment is associated with an existing pull request.

How to work with the subtheme?

Using DDEV

There are several comands that help you to work with the subtheme. You can run them from the root directory of your project.

  • ddev theme watch - watches for changes in SCSS and JS and processes them on the fly
  • ddev theme dev - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the subtheme for DEV environment
  • ddev theme production - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the subtheme for PROD environment

Using lando

There are several comands that help you to work with the subtheme. You can run them from the root directory of your project.

  • lando theme-watch or lando subtheme-watch - watches for changes in SCSS and JS and processes them on the fly
  • lando theme-dev or lando subtheme-dev - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the theme for DEV environment
  • lando theme-production or lando subtheme-production - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the theme for PROD environment

Running npm on your own

First run npm run watch in your subtheme's directory. It will track all the changes in theme source files and compile assets in the fly.

$ cd web/themes/custom/droopler_subtheme
$ npm run watch

There are also other npm commands for theme developers, here's the full reference:

  • npm run watch - watches for changes in SCSS and JS and processes them on the fly
  • npm run dev - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the subtheme for DEV environment
  • npm run production - cleans derivative files and compiles all SCSS/JS in the subtheme for PROD environment
  • npm run stylint - run stylint
  • npm run stylint-fix - run stylint and fix errors automatically

SCSS structure

  • src/scss/main.style.scss - combines all SCSS code from base theme and subtheme
  • src/components - directory where you can keep all your components, see components/README.md

You can use any SCSS structure you like. We recommend dividing files into layout/ and components/ directories. Just remember to include your files in main.style.scss.

SCSS Configuration

Droopler is designed to make your work easier. You don't have to override SCSS or CSS code to make your own adjustments. In most cases it is enough to modify the configuration.

Just look into variables definitions in the subtheme.

Use src/scss/bootstrap/_variables.scss file to overwrite base bootstrap variables.

// Colors.
// $red: #ac0000 !default;
// $orange: #ff9475 !default;
// $primary: $red !default;

Use src/scss/base/_themes.scss file to overwrite project specific colors in each theme.

// *[data-theme="theme-light"] {
//   --section-background-color: #fff;
//   --overlay-background-color: #fff;
//   --divider-background-color: #{$red};
//   ...
// }

Use src/scss/base/_variables.scss file to overwrite components/paragraphs variables.

// :root {
//   // Base component: CTA.
//   --cta-width: 100%;
//   --cta-max-width: 18rem;
//   --cta-margin-top-bottom: 0.25rem;
//   ...
// }

When you save this config file, npm run dev will recompile all SCSS with your own config.

Extending and overwriting components

Instead of overwriting the particular component through the CSS variables in the _variables.scss file, you can extend or overwrite it in the src/components directory.

See: components/README.md

Updating Droopler

See the UPDATE.md file from the Droopler profile.

How to install Google Fonts?

By default Droopler uses free Inter webfont. If you wish to install your own fonts from Google - put their definitions into droopler_subtheme.libraries.yml like this:

  version: VERSION
      '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rajdhani:500,600,700|Roboto:400,700&subset=latin-ext': { type: external, minified: true }
      css/style.css: {}

How to install icon fonts?

If you wish to install FontAwesome or Glyphicons from the CDN - just grab their URLs and follow the steps described in previous chapter about Google Fonts. You'll find a FontAwesome example in droopler_subtheme.libraries.yml and droopler_subtheme.info.yml.

Setup git hooks

​ In the .githooks directory you can find the pre-commit hooks to run the quality tools and to make sure that the front-end has been compiled in the production mode.

To set-up git hooks run:

git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/

​ For the first time or when you get no permission error add +x to those scripts.

chmod -R +x .githooks/