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Error during Droopler installation
I've just tried to use the install procedure available on git. I've started with composer create-project droptica/droopler-project droopler8310 "^8.3.1" (this is for you to know the profile version)
Then I followed usual steps (and that's not the first time I install Droopler). Everything worked well till the site install. At site install, during the "Install additional components" step, I've got an error which is: n AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 200 Debugging information follows. Path: /droopler/core/install.php?rewrite=ok&profile=droopler&langcode=en&id=2&op=do_nojs&op=do StatusText: OK ResponseText: Drupal\Core\Database\InvalidQueryException: Query condition 'nfd.nid IN ()' cannot be empty. in Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Condition->condition() (line 117 of C:\Data\webdev\drupalProjects\droopler8310\web\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Condition.php).
I've tried to make the installation again and choose less features to install, keeping only d_produts and the documentation but same error at the end. The installation may continue then but the site is not usable.
Is a different profile version that fix this issue?
Kind regards,
Hello, perhaps it is related to https://www.drupal.org/project/droopler/issues/3324922
Hello, It might be, I've just checked and selecting all additional modules (so including d_blog) was leading to a 'no error" install. But there is still a problem once the installation is done. The d_p_banner paragraphs do not show the background image. Looking to the problem, I saw that the imege link is incorrectly built. My installation is under a "droopler" virtual host on Apache webserver. This means my root website is at this URL: http://localhost/droopler/ When the d_p_banner is loading, the image link is http://localhost/profiles/contrib/droopler/modules/custom/d_demo/assets/d_demo_tile_plane.jpg which is wrong because "droopler" is missing after localhost. This is also the same for other images and also for /libraries/lazysizes/lazysizes.min.js
This is also the same for d_p_carousel. However other images gets loaded correctly, using the good path like the ones in group of text blocks: /droopler/sites/default/files/styles/small_box_image/public/demo/d_product_init_centurion-3000-1.jpg and /droopler/profiles/contrib/droopler/modules/custom/d_demo/assets/demo-logo.svg
I performed clear cache and same problem. So why the root folder 'droopler' is missing ?
If you have any hint, it will help me because I'm stuck. Kind regards, Vlad
I guess nobody tested Droopler in this way so far - installing in a subdirectory is not a common case. I would rather suggest configuring your server to use a domain like droopler.localhost
. We'll try to fix it in the new version.
In fact I have several sites hosted and served by a same Apache or NGINX server. That's why each of them are located in a dedicated folder. If you have a hint concerning the origin of this problem, I'm interested t eget it because I can temporarly fix on my own and everything would be OK once you deliver an update.
In http://localhost/droopler/ droopler is just an alias pointing to a virtual host directory.
Thank you for a hint waiting for the official fix. Kind regards
Most probably, our demo building script is not taking this additional directory into account. For now the only way to fix it is to do a search&replace in the DB, or to patch d_demo
modules before the install.
The ticket was added to https://www.drupal.org/project/droopler/issues/3341290
I cannot reproduce the problem.
I installed the Droopler on localhost via "composer create-project droptica/droopler-project . "^8.3.1"" in the subfolder http://testowastrona.local/test3/web/ - installation went without any problems.
I went through the entire installation process, with all the additional modules. I had no errors either during or after installation.