Dr Nic Williams

Results 138 issues of Dr Nic Williams

https://github.com/calh/ruby-saml-rails3-example supports IdP initiated logout (via an unmerged patch to ruby-saml, ugh, https://github.com/onelogin/ruby-saml/pull/26). It'd be nice for this canonical IdP written in ruby to speak the SLO sequence. I created...


http://railscasts.com/episodes/56-the-logger-revised perhaps we need a "railscasts" scroll

Also include debugger by default http://railscasts.com/episodes/54-debugging-ruby-revised

Gemfile needs to be different for Windows development with Linux production hosting Suggestions on EY docs site https://support.cloud.engineyard.com/entries/20996706-deploy-from-windows

Any suggestions on why I get this error? ``` $ node -v v0.10.30 $ npm -v 1.4.21 $ botio bootstrap --repo drnic/botio-test-app.js /usr/local/lib/node_modules/botio/lib/bootstrap.js:9 shell.silent(); ^ TypeError: Object # has no...

In the todos app, I've added `Todos.store.commitRecords();` to "Mark All as Done" toggle but the PUT request is failing with a YAML?! error: ``` javascript allAreDone: function(key, value) { if...

There are two versions APIs for webhooks, and two corresponding APIs versions for the webhook request + response which is handled by this library https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#webhook-request-and-response * admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 - handled by...


Is there a way (or suggestions on how to add support) to extract blocks of text (e.g. Notes) rather than the main password field? We'd like to store YAML files...
