Dr Nic Williams

Results 138 issues of Dr Nic Williams

For future releases, could we include pre-compiled binaries? I should have asked earlier rather than wait til I needed it. In lieu of this repo currently shipping binaries, I've created...

Using Ruby + SSH from RailsInstaller 1.1.0


GitHub has an API for add ssh keys (see "Public Key Management" on http://develop.github.com/p/users.html). At a minimum it would be good to be able to upload keys once you have...

Specifically for a `git@` protocol, on Windows with Ruby 1.8.7.

Anyone have any thoughts on how we might "Print to PDF" a slide deck?

https://docs.anthropic.com/claude/docs/tool-use Claude now has native tools/functions. Theoretically we could rip out the `Providers::Claude` implementation and rewrite it to look similarly to the `::OpenAi` provider. Except the schema of claude3 tools...

Perhaps to enable/encourage someone to write jquery/whatever versions of the client libraries how should the client/src folder be structured?

For anyone who'll use the `bosh create-env` instructions to maintain + play with their bosh-lite, it'd be great that the instructions they copy/paste include credhub/config-server. As an example, @cppforlife's service...

``` docker run -ti -v $PWD:/repo centos bash ``` Inside the container: ``` cd /repo chmod +x bootstrap.sh ./bootstrap.sh # note - I had to remove 'set -e' since it...
