Eliot Kimber
Eliot Kimber
Proposal 13111 I have basic support for both domains that I can contribute. For MathML I generate inline markup for HTML and FO. For HTML can also generate references to...
## Description When a topicref contains a resourceid element with an @appid-role of "deliverable-anchor" the @appid value should be used to construct the name of the result, similar to the...
Given a database named "foo^bar" and this document at /docs/doc01.xml: ``` xml ``` This query: ``` xquery let $uri := 'foo^bar/docs/doc01.xml' let $doc1 := collection('foo^bar/docs/doc01.xml') let $doc2 := doc($uri) let...
The last section in a multi-section document results in an extra blank page. The solution is to put the section definition for the last section directly within the body, not...
Implement within Wordinator a function that compares the input SWPX to the generated DOCX to verify: * All content in runs is reflected correctly in the result DOCX (i.e., a...
Lastest POI versions support Java 9+. Wordinator should too.
If the name of a style that can't be resolved is the name of the latent style, issue a message.
When these properties are not in the settings.xml: ``` ``` Then when opened in Word, the doc is put into "compatibility" mode.
Processing the OT's user guide as delivered with the 4.0.1 the transform fails with the message shown below (the topic involved is `docsrc/topics/prerequisite-software.dita`) ``` [xslt] Loading stylesheet /Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/comments.xsl [xslt] /Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/document.utils.xsl:47:22:...