com.elovirta.ooxml copied to clipboard
Date format "11 August 2012" not handled
Processing the OT's user guide as delivered with the 4.0.1 the transform fails with the message shown below (the topic involved is docsrc/topics/prerequisite-software.dita
[xslt] Loading stylesheet /Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/comments.xsl
[xslt] /Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/document.utils.xsl:47:22: Fatal Error! Invalid dateTime value "11 August 2012" (Non-numeric year component)
[xslt] Failed to process /var/folders/zx/f9hzx16d5qv3p39bp1b62p480000gn/T/temp20221224091645105/userguide_CLEANED.xml
Error: Fatal error during transformation using /Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/comments.xsl: Invalid dateTime value "11 August 2012" (Non-numeric year component); SystemID: file:/Users/ekimber/dita-ot/dita-ot-3.7.2/plugins/com.elovirta.ooxml/docx/word/document.utils.xsl; Line#: 47; Column#: 22
Also fails on "August 11, 2012"
And this: "2016-04-03 18:30"
Similar to #43 @drmacro there is no date specified in the original "prerequisite-software.dita" topic. According to DITA specs both revised and created dates in a DITA topic must have the format "YYYY-MM-DD"