Drew Hamlett
Drew Hamlett
I believe the Date.getTime() id is used to let Rails know to insert a record instead of update. I'm new to all this so I may be wrong.
Hey just noticed this too. Would be good if we could have a blank field. Right now I'm having to set a 0 for all fields, which looks kind of...
https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/issues/15 https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/issues/22 https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/issues/26 https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/issues/187 https://guides.emberjs.com/release/routing/rendering-a-template/ https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/components/outlet http://ember101.ryanflorence.com/videos/004-master-detail-router-outlet-linkto
Good idea.
I'm sorry, change me.drewh.jsbeautify.sassConvertPath to beautify.sassConvertPath. In the master branch the new format is me.drewh but the version you have it's beautify.sassConvertPath. I need to update the brackets repo version.
I was going to try to do this using node and calling the ruby sass-convert program(which will do formatting also) but it seems this guy wrote his own formatter in...
On second thought it looks like it's just a format checker, sadly. Looked like it was actually doing some formatting at first.
Haha. Thanks. Please check out the Sass formatting. https://github.com/drewhjava/brackets-beautify/tree/sass-format You'll need to download this branch and replace the extension you currently have. Please look at Readme to see how to...
Hi, what was the error you got? Also you can install the extension from the Brackets manager now. Don't pull it from the repository.
Hi @mhartington have you had any luck with this? I tried on a fresh formatted machine and it worked with standard ruby(OSX Mavericks). No rbenv. @mlakerveld Thank you for your...