Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper
Swashbuckle would also be good to add. Autogenerate OpenApi 2.0 and 3.0 from ASP.Net and ASP.Net Core code. Also provides Swagger UI hosted with your API. * *
Is there any update on this? The version of this package on public NuGet (v1.1.1) is now two major releases of .Net behind in terms of the support for ReferenceAssemblies...
@dennisdoomen It was good to meet you at NDC Sydney. Any update on this?
Looking at the build artifacts on Ubuntu I see this: ``` $ ls bin/Debug/net472 Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeCoverage.Shim.dll Newtonsoft.Json.dll PactNet.Abstractions.dll nunit.engine.core.dll pact_ffi.dll NUnit3.TestAdapter.dll PactMultitargetTest.dll PactNet.dll nunit.engine.dll NUnit3.TestAdapter.pdb PactMultitargetTest.pdb nunit.engine.api.dll nunit.framework.dll ``` Note the...
I would be happy to provide a PR to add similar platform detection as in `PactNet.csproj` to the `PactNet.targets` file to copy the appropriate binary for the system on which...
Thanks for the response. I'll have a workaround available to me soon so probably not that critical.