Chris Lewis
Chris Lewis
I was certainly unaware of this. I'll look into it. We don't like using GPL. -Chris On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 7:32 PM Isaac I.Y. Saito wrote: > Some...
I believe the Ceres debian which includes a copywrite declaration is in error because it include suitsparse which is GPL. It is possible to build ceres with suitsparse disabled. I...
I believe the Keyence sensor returns both range and intensity. If that is the case, I see no reason one could not obtain an excellent extrinsic calibration from a planar...
@VictorLamoine please see my last comment
@Levi-Armstrong don't have your current email. Saw this video, seems like control of walking is a real time nonlinear constrained optimization problem using distance field.
I like that there is a database option. Many clients want it this way. However, it would be nice to simply be able to save tool path plans to files....
After further thought, I believe we should can the database altogether. The only reason we used it in the first place is that it was a requirement for a project....
@davetcoleman The original CLIK code simply constructed a dual arm jacobian using the DH parameters from both arms that related the joint motions to the velocities of the second tool...
@DavidMerzJr @marip8 This is a comment regarding the raster_wrt_global_axes, raster_direction, and raster_rotation. The interfaces should match for every rastering method. There are in fact three methods to use. 1. automatic,...
@gavanderhoorn I am working on an alternate method for raster generation. It will become open source. It is based on the heat method for computing distances over surfaces. I hope...