
Results 32 issues of drbh

There is no code coloring in nteract. Is there a custom theme I need to install? I followed the install instructions and the code execution is working fine. Did I...

not sure if this functionality is on the roadmap but reading context's from IPFS are helpful to a personal use case. Please let me know what you think, and what...

After following the examples I still was running into compilation errors because of these missing files `Scrt1.o: and `crti.o` It seemed I was missing g++ so I had to run...

Hey @iitzco I think this is an awesome project and great example of using tensorflow in a fast, reliable and CPU backed way. In an effort to better understand how...

I am using the logit model ``` use rusty_machine::learning::logistic_reg::LogisticRegressor; ``` and I would like to get corresponding pvalues and error rates for the coeffs my model looks like: ``` LogisticRegressor...

Copied files `server.js` `add.js` `create.js` `get.js` from 3c691c032a047e99237af24af6956b9068c314e6 branch of orbit-db-http-server at https://github.com/haadcode/orbit-db-http-server.git Added a new file in commands that run the daemon. This currently runs in the foreground and...


- [ ] stake - [ ] unstake a person can signup to be a repeater. they have to submit more than a min amount. we need a way to...

we should be able to abstract members and repeaters. We should be able to fetch data about repeaters as members in the orml pallet. - what was repeater X's last...


implement functions to reward and slash repeaters - [ ] reward per submission amount - [ ] reward - repeater for N submissions (extrinsic to call) - [ ] slash...

Users cannot transfer assets. When a user tries to transfer from one account to another they get a `system.CallFiltered` error. See an example of Bob attempting to transfer KSM to...
