Likes get completely lost from me as an user. I cannot retrieve what I have liked one, two years ago or even a few months or weeks ago. I can...
In activity widget (in profile page, for example) or plugin widgets (hypewall, for example) I do not get @names hyper-linked to profile pages. Using Mentions and Elgg 1.9.6
https://atproto.com/guides/faq does not answer "why not use the Nomadic Protocol and Cloning" already provided and in use by Streams Relevant uri https://codeberg.org/streams/streams/src/branch/dev/FEDERATION.md and [also this](https://hub.netzgemeinde.eu/display/b64.aHR0cHM6Ly9odWIubmV0emdlbWVpbmRlLmV1L2l0ZW0vMGM5ZWE2ZjctMTZmMS00MmY3LWE4ODgtZmY5NDk0MjEzMmUw) > Nomadic identity describes a...
When video links are used they show up very large thubnails, almost the actual video size in the stream. Is it possible to use a pre-defined video thumb size?
This theme is excellent and offers immense possiblities. Is it possible to make it compatible with BP 2.2 or maybe a BP-compatible Mercury and a regular mercury like Thiam? To...
Social nets by default lets you turn ON the Follow feature. This is because you may not like that other are following you - it is a privacy issue.
The photo page, that is, the page in which the individual photo is viewed do not have the favorite button. Please note that a photo can be favorited from both...