Results 22 issues of dracodoc

The `total_time` in script is used to report how much time spent on processing one input file. If the time is more than 24 hours, it will be round up....

In installing the github version of package, I saw the size of zip is 24M. There are a lot of plugins supported in the package, but user probably will not...

Usually `na.rm = TRUE` will hide the warnings of removing NAs. However when using `position_stack` with `geom_col`, the warning cannot be turned off. ```r df

positions :1st_place_medal:

使用Mist 主题,在pc上比较正常,ipad 上side bar展开后会挡住正文,android上则点击后只出现一个home而没有目录。 如果需要的话我可以上传两个截图。


With shiny::icon() calling fontawesome::fa_i(), there is a check for v4 icon names. With a fresh R session, this process will generate a warning even when icon name is a valid...

Difficulty: ② Intermediate
Effort: ② Medium
Priority: ♨︎ Critical
Type: ☹︎ Bug

There is a bookmark jumping feature added by my request, which use alt+k/l to jump between bookmarked pages. It has been working great in pdf for a long time for...

When reading epub with kpv, the status screen only display the percentage of current reading location. It's understandable because epub don't have a fixed "page" concept, the page number may...


I found that I want to use the "alt+number key" to navigate cursor in a long file list a lot, so I'm wondering why can't we just press the number...

Kpv (v2013.1-85-g01c9580) crashed today in my Kindle DX and I don't know why, the crash.log is empty. Then I found all the bookmarks I made in the whole kpv session...

When I moved a file to clipboard, I noticed there was 3 full refreshes in the procedure: 1 caused by file list change, 1 by pop up dialog, 1 by...