Davor Racic

Results 8 issues of Davor Racic

So I noticed at the first play (CentOS) that configuration settings were not applied because systemd applied settings from data dir instead of /etc: ```[root@dbserver ~]# systemctl status postgresql-11.service ●...


Details: https://github.com/heron-mc/heron-mc/issues/399 https://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/attachment/ticket/2578/07-destroy-controls-check.patch

Currently read-only layers have edit, delete and edit geometry (points only) controls enabled. You cannot save changes, but they should be disabled like editable polygons and lines have disabled edit...

I think it would be useful if we had "data writer" role for users who will only be able to change data and sync those changes to Mergin, and not...


When I delete organisation, projects in that organization remain visible through mergin client (cli and Qgis). I think the deletion of organization should also delete all projects (should be some...

I created several organizations in Mergin and I want to invite users to appropriate organizations, but when I invite one user to one organization and change to another organization and...

I have more than 50 projects shared with me. Sometimes I have to download some of them, and when they are not in first 50, I have to do this:...


It would be an awesome feature if we could serve tiled GeoJSON (clipped or not) like in Tilestache: http://tilestache.org/doc/TileStache.Goodies.Providers.PostGeoJSON.html so we can use them with HTML5 Canvas in Leaflet or...