version funannotate/1.8.5 running annotate with the command funannotate annotate -i /panfs/roc/groups/14/mcgaughs/drabe004/Funnannote_Full/MBRI_FINAL --force --busco_db actinopterygii --iprscan /panfs/roc/groups/14/mcgaughs/drabe004/Interprotscan/MBRIoutput.iprscan --cpus 8 Error and logfile: ******I am running this on output from predict ---...
hi Glenn! We're trying to run some alignments with the new version of cactus and have used mamba to set up the new environment. Seems like I keep getting this...
Hi! I recently ran funannotate compare with 14 genomes and it generated ~3.1mil files (and then was killed because our group hit the 15 mil file limit for our cluster...
Hi, I've been trying to run a couple datasets (one small and one large) using -M msa + RaxML. I'm puzzled as to what is happening. I am running the...