dotnet bot
dotnet bot
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is an automatically generated pull request from main into release/dev17.4. Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request. 🐯...
Migrated from @garath wrote: .NET Core 3.1 ends life in December 2022. The new LTS is .NET 6 expiring in 2024. This issue tracks moving .NET Engineering Services-owned repositories...
Migrated from @markwilkie wrote: From Chad: [10:50 AM] Chad Nedzlek There appear to be 2 pieces of server code that still populates it. One of them should just be...
Migrated from @ChadNedzlek wrote: Tracked by That got "mitigated" by opening
Migrated from @dkurepa wrote: Currently, we don't have a good process for keeping our microsoft-hosted-agents.json up to date. The images are not owned by our team so we need...
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...
This is the pull request automatically created by the OneLocBuild task in the build process to check-in localized files generated based upon translation source files (.lcl files) handed-back from the...