Hi there, many webpages use non-breaking space in textelements, however for subsequent processes this is sometimes troublesome. What's about an option for get() to clean a returned string value, i....
UAC does not work in 303 as it does with 301 when registering a COM object. In 301 the UAC is called and I geht the message "Requesting elevation and...
For calling Python COM objects form VBA it is helpful to have full support for a) intellisense and b) call signature display in the IDE. Moreover additional comfort would be...
For environments where user do not have admin access it is beneficial to be able to register Python COM Servers for the current user only. I think this is specially...
Dear all, I have a strange problem: SeleniumBasic works with ACCESS but not EXCEL. This is pretty awful for my purposes. I moved from my old environment to a new...
I use webscraping for some downloading stuff and was trying to incorporate undeteced-chromedriver. To control the behaviour I use the prefs to set the default path and enable auto download....
I wonder if automating changelog update is a reasonable use case to be considered as part of a modern project template. There are tools around and I think it is...
If I am not wrong, hatchlor currently does not support codeblocks. Might be an option to add this to the pyproject.toml-template ?
While acknowledging the past efforts with SeleniumBasic to provide a COM wrapper for Selenium, it might be an option for others as well to switch to SeleniumVBA due to the...