
Results 35 issues of dongrixinyu

Hi! I am new to pytorch. So, could you provide a small example to illustrate how to use this pre-trained model to load, inference and finetune? Thx

如果发现时间解析有bug,那就来这里试一下另一个工具吧 [JioNLP]( ``` import time import jionlp as jio res = jio.parse_time('今年9月', time_base={'year': 2021}) res = jio.parse_time('零三年元宵节晚上8点半', time_base=time.time()) res = jio.parse_time('一万个小时') res = jio.parse_time('100天之后', time.time()) res = jio.parse_time('每周五下午4点', time.time()) print(res)...

- [ ] I have marked all applicable categories: + [ ] exception-raising bug + [ ] visual output bug - [ ] I have visited the [source website], and...

invalid ⛔
question/docs ‽

My pypi package `jionlp` is mainly been downloaded in China and often installed through different pip source base like below: ``` $ pip install jionlp -i ``` Im curious...

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教授您好: 提一个建议哈! 清华的这个分词,词性工具,相比北大的 pkuseg 的分词和词性 还是慢一个量级,效果相差不大。

