Dom Charlesworth

Results 11 issues of Dom Charlesworth

_(Quoted from @jwintz #7)_ >Also, If I ike your HUD segment, I would like to customise it to be on the right-most place, as it is done in spaceline default...

mode line

_(quoted from domtronn/all-the-icons.el#34)_ > _And the erc-track segment just indicates the name of the irc channel whenever someone mentions your nick in an active erc channel in emacs. Eg: if...


_(Quoted from @jwintz #7)_ >And as a last point, M-x space line-toggle-major-mode-on does have any effect whatsoever. Miss it.


_(Quoted @jwintz #7)_ > package icons shows up just fine after M-x package-refresh-contents, which makes sense, otherwise it would slow down the startup process > ... > text-scale works fine...

on hold

_(Quoted from @jwintz #7)_ >Another remark: I'm using persp-mode for perspectives, and seems not to be handled by spaceline-all-the-icons, but is in space line, so I am confused. And in...


13.4.0 introduced a regression for us. Where we were passing a list of nodes to render documents, we now require entire documents. This change will allow you to pass a...

Hi, I was using `grunt-release` with a `beforeBump` task to run the tests of my project before a release, but when these tasks error, the `deferred.reject` doesn't get caught or...


When grunt tasks error _(mainly thinking about jasmine tests etc)_ and a stack trace is printed out, e.g. ``` shell Error: Expected true to be false at Object. |/path/to/file/testSpec.js:125:18 (†)...

A guy I work with started using this package and wanted to use it for running npm scripts on projects, so he basically changed the executable to `npm` and sourced...


I'm looking at refactoring the code to use `start-process-shell-command` rather than `async-shell-command` like we mentioned _(see [process-refactor](, and I'm adding in a `filter` function to apply ansi colors to the...

help wanted