spaceline-all-the-icons.el copied to clipboard
Improve documentation on Segment Behaviour
(Quoted @jwintz #7)
package icons shows up just fine after M-x package-refresh-contents, which makes sense, otherwise it would slow down the startup process ... text-scale works fine whenever you increase or decrease the text scale. By default the modeline does not render anything
I have made a lot of design decisions around behaviour of segments, for example
- File path is relative to project root iff
is set - Text scale only shows when scale is increased or decreased
- Package icon requires you to have added the advice and run
As you've picked up on in your comment. I'd really like to set document these behaviours and nuances a bit better (maybe in a Wiki?) including pictures of the different icon sets as well, but it's a big task I just haven't picked up yet 🙂
Totally agree with most of these choices
- makes sense for text-scale to be displayed only when it has been changed
- with no explicit advice in user init, package icon shows just fine once
As for the file path, it might lead to a very large segments when project hierarchy has a huge subfolder depth. I would go for the file name only.
The file path is a separate segment so you can turn it off entirely if you just want the file name 🙂 Ultimate flexibility!
Awesome :-)
for information.