Josh Chien

Results 5 issues of Josh Chien

Hi, I found the S vector in triangle mesh are inversed when computing SurfaceInteraction. And I found the code in "triangle.cpp" line 361: ``` // Compute shading tangent _ss_ for...

I am just use pip3.6 to install the package, but a try-except syntax error occurs when I import it. pylsd/bindings/lsd_ctypes .py: line 34 ```python except Exception, e: pass ``` fix:... line 362: const float * f = (feature + k * num_dimensions); it is not defined

I am working with e57 file format and PCL: but I do not like to install a lot of dependency library when building the project, so I use Xerces-C...


E57 use meters as unit (You can check the translation value of pose data.). But cartesianX, cartesianY, cartesianZ are "ScaledIntegerNode", so you should scale the values. for example , I...