Josh Chien

Results 6 comments of Josh Chien

You can read the readme of pointNet1... there is the correct download link:

here is the free dataset: your code didnot scale xyz correctly, so it will failed when combine multiple scan to a single point cloud (the pose translation did not... ![DEMO]( Hi, I write a new E57 converter. I fix the issue, and further: 1. support out-of-core (for large e57 scan data) 2. support scaled integer XYZ 3. support...

@madduci I found the correct way to read scaled integer.... jean-noelp: when you build your SourceDestBuffer, ensure to activate the auto-scaling on cartesian values! vector destBuffers; double x[N]; destBuffers.push_back(SourceDestBuffer(imf,...

```python markerID = 0 # 0~49 for DICT_4X4_50 dict = aruco.Dictionary_getBitsFromByteList(byteList[markerID], 4) ```

in fact aruco use these byte data as 1-d array: 30, 61, 216, 42, 6,.... it group 4 bytes as a row is just for storing the byteList as Mat...