OpenCVMarkerPrinter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OpenCVMarkerPrinter copied to clipboard

This small app can save some commonly used opencv markers such as ArUco, ArUcoGrid, Chessboard and ChArUco to vector graphics file.

Results 5 OpenCVMarkerPrinter issues
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The 9x6 charuco board generated by MarkerPrinter is different from what OpenCV expects. In particular, the top-left square is white, while OpenCV expects a black square first. This means that...

Thanks for you code, the format of .svg .pdf is ok, but the output of .pdf file is empty, the storage of .pdf file is only 1kb, then open it,...

Currently, the page border color is set to gray. Is it possible to set to change this?

Currently it is only possible to split aruco boards into chunks. It would be nice, to be able to split single markers into chunks. Then a thin cutting border would...

@dogod621 I tried to run your code but I am getting the following error. Can you please help me with this? ~/sanjay_ws/src/aruco_generator/OpenCVMarkerPrinter$ python --aruco --file "./aruco.pdf" --dictionary DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL --marker_length...