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I found the inner exception: ``` System.InvalidOperationException : Container must be started before mapped ports can be retrieved TearDown : System.InvalidOperationException : Container must be started before mapped ports can...
I think this should work, but haven't tested it. ``` var typeTableName = typeof(SqlMapperExtensions) .GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .FirstOrDefault(field => field.Name == "TypeTableName") .GetValue(null); ```
Adding ExplicitKey attribute on my Id worked for me. But important point is you have to set "Id" key yourself. Edit: Adding Computed attribute with changing it from Id to...
Hi @mikaello Thanks for your answer, I tried producing with `-k` (small _k_) but I am getting this error in a Debian environment: ``` kafkacat: invalid option -- 'k' Error:...