Dapper.Contrib copied to clipboard
Dapper.Contrib character case bug
Hi! I have table in postgres created with field names in quotes (i.e. case sensitive):
create table "buttons" (
"Phone" VARCHAR,
"NumberType" INTEGER,
and c# class also with case sensitive properties:
public class Button
public Int32 Id { get; set; }
public Int32 UserId { get; set; }
public String Phone { get; set; }
public NumberType NumberType { get; set; }
When I try to insert record with InsertAsync, it throws an error
42703: column "id" does not exist
as you can see, column "id" is written here in lower case, because the function InsertAsync skips id-column during query creation.
UpdateAsync works perfectly because it uses "Id" in where clause.
But when I change the name of column in database to "id" - InsertAsync works good, but UpdateAsync fails by the same reason.
Please help.
I found a way around this field name problem for the time being.
in my Repository Constructor i used:
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SqlDialect = new DapperExtensions.Sql.PostgreSqlDialect();
and in the Insert Method: db.Insert(item); and in the Updaet Method: db.Update(item);
i did not use the SqlMapper approach, nor did I use the SqlMapperExtensions.Insert()
Ive tried on .Net Core 2.1 Lambda, and AWS Aurora 10.7.
Dapper v2.0.30 Dapper.Contrib 2.0.30 DapperExtensions.DotnetCore 1.0.1
I hope this helps others for now....in the interim.
Hi @rclarke2050
Does it mean that we have to include DapperExtenssions library to achieve this?
DapperExtenssions and DapperContrib seem to be doing same thing but different way. I was thinking to choose between both of them.
Hi @rclarke2050
Does it mean that we have to include DapperExtenssions library to achieve this?
DapperExtenssions and DapperContrib seem to be doing same thing but different way. I was thinking to choose between both of them.
try either, and you'll know which one works for your scenarios. In terms of how i managed it, setting the SQLDialect did the trick. Also, take a look at this: https://github.com/tmsmith/Dapper-Extensions/issues/205
Hi @rclarke2050
Actually, both didn't work for me really. Each had its own limitations. I had to write my own solution to generate Insert and Update queries using Reflection and Humanizer with some if/else. It seems to work just fine and really isn't too much. It is very compact than I thought it could possibly be.
Here is the gist. You could customize it to suit your own specific needs but it works for me throughout my project.
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SqlDialect = new DapperExtensions.Sql.PostgreSqlDialect();
I'm a little confused. Why would Dapper.Contrib have anything to do with Dapper-Extensions? Dapper.Contrib doesn't use the "dialect" approach to determine platform. Rather it tries to check the IDbConnection and then formats some of the strings accordingly.
private static ISqlAdapter GetFormatter(IDbConnection connection)
Adding ExplicitKey attribute on my Id worked for me. But important point is you have to set "Id" key yourself.
Edit: Adding Computed attribute with changing it from Id to something like ItemId or ProductId solves the problem for sequential primary keys.
@dogac00, are you going to re-submit you PR (this one) in the new Dapper.Contrib repo for traying to solve this issue ?
Just to follow up. Dapper.Contrib
is useless with postgres. There are several casing bugs:
For instance in InsertAsync
, in
Here sb.Append(property.Name);
adds the pk without taking casing into considerations.