Carl You
Carl You
## 前言 这里暂时只包含了简体中文的翻译清单,目前还有大量的翻译工作未完成。 大家可以在这里讨论并给出更好更精细的本土化翻译,也欢迎各位参与贡献港澳台地区的繁体中文翻译,可在下方跟进进展。 最后非常感谢每一位小众圈的你作出的贡献 🎉。 ## 后记 感谢 sa:mp 赋予了我们青春的意义,让我们认识了许多在这个小众圈同样热爱这款游戏的朋友,让记忆里有了美好的封存。 繁华的背后是没落,天堂的背后是人间。 小众圈的肚量很大,包容了很多人的平庸,感谢你曾来过。 恭喜你解锁成就:《回不去的时光》🌅 ## 清单 目前已同步到2023.3.31,后续主目录变动的翻译文件将晚些时候同步到清单里。 最大的工作量在函数部分(509+文件),随着文档的完善总文档数应该会不断增多。 翻译的文档不一定提交了PR,具体可以看[分叉]( ### Pages - [x] faq.mdx - [x] index.mdx - [ ]...
### Description This PR contains two fixes. One is the extra ts type `ReleaseType` in the build, and the other is that when `tsup` is packing, it encounters `picocolors` to...
callNative and callNativeFloat **`retval` is still important to return value specifiers,** but it has been discarded so far and only value has been returned. This means that **when the native...
```js "use strict"; require("reflect-metadata"); const typeorm = require("typeorm"); const AppDataSource = new typeorm.DataSource({ type: "mysql", host: "localhost", port: 3306, username: "root", password: "", database: "omp", synchronize: false, logging: false, entities:...
To be exact, I personally hope that you can support the following points in the future, and **I am willing to provide some financial support through the open collective platform**(mainly...
I need your help, if you have the time and the interest. Provides extensions for internationalization and more configuration items, like a51base
I need your help to build samp-node ecosystem. It is accurate to use ts syntax to implement nex-ac function, callback, and split by function point and improve scalability. Now, the...
please use polyfill to implement this, because the samp-node api is limited, you can refer to existing polyfill
e.g. textdraw, object, material, attach editors(vehicle, player, object?), store and read using json. Refer to the library developed by the better known pawn language. Examples include tde editor and Fusez's...