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Chinese Translation Progress List

Open dockfries opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


这里暂时只包含了简体中文的翻译清单,目前还有大量的翻译工作未完成。 大家可以在这里讨论并给出更好更精细的本土化翻译,也欢迎各位参与贡献港澳台地区的繁体中文翻译,可在下方跟进进展。 最后非常感谢每一位小众圈的你作出的贡献 🎉。


感谢 sa:mp 赋予了我们青春的意义,让我们认识了许多在这个小众圈同样热爱这款游戏的朋友,让记忆里有了美好的封存。 繁华的背后是没落,天堂的背后是人间。 小众圈的肚量很大,包容了很多人的平庸,感谢你曾来过。



目前已同步到2023.3.31,后续主目录变动的翻译文件将晚些时候同步到清单里。 最大的工作量在函数部分(509+文件),随着文档的完善总文档数应该会不断增多。 翻译的文档不一定提交了PR,具体可以看分叉


  • [x] faq.mdx
  • [x] index.mdx
  • [ ] missing-sites.mdx


  • [x] 10k-members.mdx
  • [ ] debugging.mdx
  • [x] how-to-join-the-team.mdx
  • [ ] interview.mdx
  • [x] samp-mobile.mdx
  • [ ] scripting-api.mdx
  • [x] timers.mdx
  • [x] turfs-formerly-gangzones-module.mdx
  • [x] update-2022.mdx
  • [x] vehicle-sync.mdx


  • [x] CommonIssues.md
  • [x] CrashAddresses.md
  • [x] ClientCommands.md


  • [x] Contributing.md



  • [x] OnActorStreamIn.md
  • [x] OnActorStreamOut.md
  • [x] OnClientMessage.md
  • [x] OnDialogResponse.md
  • [x] OnEnterExitModShop.md
  • [x] OnFilterScriptExit.md
  • [x] OnFilterScriptInit.md
  • [x] OnGameModeExit.md
  • [x] OnGameModeInit.md
  • [x] OnIncomingConnection.md
  • [x] OnObjectMoved.md
  • [x] OnPlayerClickMap.md
  • [x] OnPlayerClickPlayer.md
  • [x] OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw.md
  • [x] OnPlayerClickTextDraw.md
  • [x] OnPlayerCommandText.md
  • [x] OnPlayerConnect.md
  • [x] OnPlayerDeath.md
  • [x] OnPlayerDisconnect.md
  • [x] OnPlayerEditAttachedObject.md
  • [x] OnPlayerEditObject.md
  • [x] OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint.md
  • [x] OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint.md
  • [x] OnPlayerEnterVehicle.md
  • [x] OnPlayerExitVehicle.md
  • [x] OnPlayerExitedMenu.md
  • [x] OnPlayerFinishedDownloading.md
  • [x] OnPlayerGiveDamage.md
  • [x] OnPlayerGiveDamageActor.md
  • [x] OnPlayerInteriorChange.md
  • [x] OnPlayerKeyStateChange.md
  • [x] OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint.md
  • [x] OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint.md
  • [x] OnPlayerObjectMoved.md
  • [x] OnPlayerPickUpPickup.md
  • [x] OnPlayerRequestClass.md
  • [x] OnPlayerRequestDownload.md
  • [x] OnPlayerRequestSpawn.md
  • [x] OnPlayerSelectObject.md
  • [x] OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow.md
  • [x] OnPlayerSpawn.md
  • [x] OnPlayerStateChange.md
  • [x] OnPlayerStreamIn.md
  • [x] OnPlayerStreamOut.md
  • [x] OnPlayerTakeDamage.md
  • [x] OnPlayerText.md
  • [x] OnPlayerUpdate.md
  • [x] OnPlayerWeaponShot.md
  • [x] OnRconCommand.md
  • [x] OnRconLoginAttempt.md
  • [x] OnRecordingPlaybackEnd.md
  • [x] OnTrailerUpdate.md
  • [x] OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate.md
  • [x] OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate.md
  • [x] OnVehicleDeath.md
  • [x] OnVehicleMod.md
  • [x] OnVehiclePaintjob.md
  • [x] OnVehicleRespray.md
  • [x] OnVehicleSirenStateChange.md
  • [x] OnVehicleSpawn.md
  • [x] OnVehicleStreamIn.md
  • [x] OnVehicleStreamOut.md


  • [x] AddCharModel.md
  • [x] AddMenuItem.md
  • [x] AddPlayerClass.md
  • [x] AddPlayerClassEx.md
  • [x] AddSimpleModel.md
  • [x] AddSimpleModelTimed.md
  • [x] AddStaticPickup.md
  • [x] AddStaticVehicle.md
  • [x] AddStaticVehicleEx.md
  • [x] AddVehicleComponent.md
  • [x] AllowAdminTeleport.md
  • [x] AllowInteriorWeapons.md
  • [x] AllowPlayerTeleport.md
  • [x] ApplyActorAnimation.md
  • [x] ApplyAnimation.md
  • [x] Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer.md
  • [x] Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle.md
  • [x] AttachCameraToObject.md
  • [x] AttachCameraToPlayerObject.md
  • [x] AttachObjectToObject.md
  • [x] AttachObjectToPlayer.md
  • [x] AttachObjectToVehicle.md
  • [x] AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer.md
  • [x] AttachPlayerObjectToVehicle.md
  • [x] AttachTrailerToVehicle.md
  • [x] Ban.md
  • [x] BanEx.md
  • [x] BlockIpAddress.md
  • [x] CallLocalFunction.md
  • [x] CallRemoteFunction.md
  • [x] CancelEdit.md
  • [x] CancelSelectTextDraw.md
  • [x] ChangeVehicleColor.md
  • [x] ChangeVehiclePaintjob.md
  • [x] ClearActorAnimations.md
  • [x] ClearAnimations.md
  • [x] ConnectNPC.md
  • [x] Create3DTextLabel.md
  • [x] CreateActor.md
  • [x] CreateExplosion.md
  • [x] CreateExplosionForPlayer.md
  • [x] CreateMenu.md
  • [x] CreateObject.md
  • [x] CreatePickup.md
  • [x] CreatePlayer3DTextLabel.md
  • [x] CreatePlayerObject.md
  • [x] CreatePlayerTextDraw.md
  • [ ] CreateVehicle.md
  • [x] Delete3DTextLabel.md
  • [ ] DeletePVar.md
  • [x] DeletePlayer3DTextLabel.md
  • [ ] DeleteSVar.md
  • [x] DestroyActor.md
  • [x] DestroyMenu.md
  • [x] DestroyObject.md
  • [x] DestroyPickup.md
  • [x] DestroyPlayerObject.md
  • [ ] DestroyVehicle.md
  • [ ] DetachTrailerFromVehicle.md
  • [x] DisableInteriorEnterExits.md
  • [ ] DisableMenu.md
  • [ ] DisableMenuRow.md
  • [ ] DisableNameTagLOS.md
  • [ ] DisablePlayerCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions.md
  • [x] EditAttachedObject.md
  • [x] EditObject.md
  • [x] EditPlayerObject.md
  • [ ] EnablePlayerCameraTarget.md
  • [ ] EnableStuntBonusForAll.md
  • [ ] EnableStuntBonusForPlayer.md
  • [ ] EnableTirePopping.md
  • [ ] EnableVehicleFriendlyFire.md
  • [ ] EnableZoneNames.md
  • [ ] FindModelFileNameFromCRC.md
  • [ ] FindTextureFileNameFromCRC.md
  • [ ] ForceClassSelection.md
  • [ ] GameModeExit.md
  • [ ] GameTextForAll.md
  • [ ] GameTextForPlayer.md
  • [ ] GangZoneCreate.md
  • [ ] GangZoneDestroy.md
  • [ ] GangZoneFlashForAll.md
  • [ ] GangZoneFlashForPlayer.md
  • [ ] GangZoneHideForAll.md
  • [ ] GangZoneHideForPlayer.md
  • [ ] GangZoneShowForAll.md
  • [ ] GangZoneShowForPlayer.md
  • [ ] GangZoneStopFlashForAll.md
  • [ ] GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer.md
  • [ ] GetActorFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] GetActorHealth.md
  • [ ] GetActorPoolSize.md
  • [ ] GetActorPos.md
  • [ ] GetActorVirtualWorld.md
  • [ ] GetAnimationName.md
  • [ ] GetConsoleVarAsBool.md
  • [ ] GetConsoleVarAsInt.md
  • [ ] GetConsoleVarAsString.md
  • [ ] GetGravity.md
  • [ ] GetMaxPlayers.md
  • [ ] GetMyFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] GetMyPos.md
  • [ ] GetNetworkStats.md
  • [x] GetObjectModel.md
  • [x] GetObjectPos.md
  • [x] GetObjectRot.md
  • [ ] GetPVarFloat.md
  • [ ] GetPVarInt.md
  • [ ] GetPVarNameAtIndex.md
  • [ ] GetPVarString.md
  • [ ] GetPVarType.md
  • [ ] GetPVarsUpperIndex.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerAmmo.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerAnimationIndex.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerArmour.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraAspectRatio.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraFrontVector.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraMode.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraPos.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerCameraTargetActor.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraTargetObject.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerCameraTargetPlayer.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerCameraTargetVehicle.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraUpVector.md
  • [x] GetPlayerCameraZoom.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerColor.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerCustomSkin.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerDrunkLevel.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerFightingStyle.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerHealth.md
  • [x] GetPlayerInterior.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerIp.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerKeys.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerLastShotVectors.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerMenu.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerMoney.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerName.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerNetworkStats.md
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectModel.md
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectPos.md
  • [x] GetPlayerObjectRot.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerPing.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerPoolSize.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerPos.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerScore.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerSkin.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerSpecialAction.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerState.md
  • [x] GetPlayerSurfingObjectID.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerTargetActor.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerTargetPlayer.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerTeam.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerTime.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerVehicleID.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerVehicleSeat.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerVelocity.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerVersion.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerVirtualWorld.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerWantedLevel.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerWeapon.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerWeaponData.md
  • [ ] GetPlayerWeaponState.md
  • [ ] GetSVarFloat.md
  • [ ] GetSVarInt.md
  • [ ] GetSVarNameAtIndex.md
  • [ ] GetSVarString.md
  • [ ] GetSVarType.md
  • [ ] GetSVarsUpperIndex.md
  • [ ] GetServerTickRate.md
  • [ ] GetServerVarAsBool.md
  • [ ] GetServerVarAsInt.md
  • [ ] GetServerVarAsString.md
  • [ ] GetTickCount.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleComponentInSlot.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleComponentType.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleDamageStatus.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleHealth.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleModel.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleModelInfo.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleParamsCarDoors.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleParamsCarWindows.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleParamsEx.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleParamsSirenState.md
  • [ ] GetVehiclePoolSize.md
  • [ ] GetVehiclePos.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleRotationQuat.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleTrailer.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleVelocity.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleVirtualWorld.md
  • [ ] GetVehicleZAngle.md
  • [ ] GetWeaponName.md
  • [ ] GivePlayerMoney.md
  • [ ] GivePlayerWeapon.md
  • [ ] HTTP.md
  • [ ] HideMenuForPlayer.md
  • [x] InterpolateCameraLookAt.md
  • [x] InterpolateCameraPos.md
  • [ ] IsActorInvulnerable.md
  • [ ] IsActorStreamedIn.md
  • [x] IsObjectMoving.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerAdmin.md
  • [x] IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerConnected.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerInAnyVehicle.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerInCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerInVehicle.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerNPC.md
  • [x] IsPlayerObjectMoving.md
  • [ ] IsPlayerStreamedIn.md
  • [ ] IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle.md
  • [ ] IsValidActor.md
  • [ ] IsValidMenu.md
  • [x] IsValidObject.md
  • [x] IsValidPlayerObject.md
  • [ ] IsValidVehicle.md
  • [ ] IsVehicleStreamedIn.md
  • [ ] Kick.md
  • [ ] KillTimer.md
  • [ ] LimitGlobalChatRadius.md
  • [ ] LimitPlayerMarkerRadius.md
  • [ ] LinkVehicleToInterior.md
  • [ ] ManualVehicleEngineAndLights.md
  • [x] MoveObject.md
  • [x] MovePlayerObject.md
  • [ ] NetStats_BytesReceived.md
  • [ ] NetStats_BytesSent.md
  • [ ] NetStats_ConnectionStatus.md
  • [ ] NetStats_GetConnectedTime.md
  • [ ] NetStats_GetIpPort.md
  • [ ] NetStats_MessagesReceived.md
  • [ ] NetStats_MessagesRecvPerSecond.md
  • [ ] NetStats_MessagesSent.md
  • [ ] NetStats_PacketLossPercent.md
  • [ ] PlayAudioStreamForPlayer.md
  • [ ] PlayCrimeReportForPlayer.md
  • [ ] PlayerPlaySound.md
  • [ ] PlayerSpectatePlayer.md
  • [ ] PlayerSpectateVehicle.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawAlignment.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawBoxColor.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawColor.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawDestroy.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawFont.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawHide.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawLetterSize.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetOutline.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewRot.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewVehCol.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetProportional.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetShadow.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawSetString.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawShow.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawTextSize.md
  • [ ] PlayerTextDrawUseBox.md
  • [ ] PutPlayerInVehicle.md
  • [ ] RedirectDownload.md
  • [x] RemoveBuildingForPlayer.md
  • [x] RemovePlayerAttachedObject.md
  • [ ] RemovePlayerFromVehicle.md
  • [ ] RemovePlayerMapIcon.md
  • [ ] RemoveVehicleComponent.md
  • [ ] RepairVehicle.md
  • [ ] ResetPlayerMoney.md
  • [ ] ResetPlayerWeapons.md
  • [ ] ResumeRecordingPlayback.md
  • [ ] SHA256_PassHash.md
  • [x] SelectObject.md
  • [ ] SelectTextDraw.md
  • [ ] SendChat.md
  • [ ] SendClientCheck.md
  • [ ] SendClientMessage.md
  • [ ] SendClientMessageToAll.md
  • [ ] SendChat.md
  • [ ] SendClientCheck.md
  • [ ] SendDeathMessage.md
  • [ ] SendDeathMessageToPlayer.md
  • [ ] SendPlayerMessageToAll.md
  • [ ] SendPlayerMessageToPlayer.md
  • [ ] SendRconCommand.md
  • [ ] SetActorFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] SetActorHealth.md
  • [ ] SetActorInvulnerable.md
  • [ ] SetActorPos.md
  • [ ] SetActorVirtualWorld.md
  • [x] SetCameraBehindPlayer.md
  • [ ] SetDeathDropAmount.md
  • [ ] SetGameModeText.md
  • [ ] SetGravity.md
  • [ ] SetMenuColumnHeader.md
  • [ ] SetMyFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] SetMyPos.md
  • [ ] SetNameTagDrawDistance.md
  • [x] SetObjectMaterial.md
  • [x] SetObjectMaterialText.md
  • [x] SetObjectNoCameraCol.md
  • [x] SetObjectPos.md
  • [x] SetObjectRot.md
  • [x] SetObjectsDefaultCameraCol.md
  • [ ] SetPVarFloat.md
  • [ ] SetPVarInt.md
  • [ ] SetPVarString.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerAmmo.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerArmedWeapon.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerArmour.md
  • [x] SetPlayerAttachedObject.md
  • [x] SetPlayerCameraLookAt.md
  • [x] SetPlayerCameraPos.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerChatBubble.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerColor.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerDrunkLevel.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerFacingAngle.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerFightingStyle.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerHealth.md
  • [x] SetPlayerHoldingObject.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerInterior.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerMapIcon.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerName.md
  • [x] SetPlayerObjectMaterial.md
  • [x] SetPlayerObjectMaterialText.md
  • [x] SetPlayerObjectNoCameraCol.md
  • [x] SetPlayerObjectPos.md
  • [x] SetPlayerObjectRot.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerPos.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerPosFindZ.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerScore.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerShopName.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerSkillLevel.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerSkin.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerSpecialAction.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerTeam.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerTime.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerVelocity.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerVirtualWorld.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerWantedLevel.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerWeather.md
  • [ ] SetPlayerWorldBounds.md
  • [ ] SetSVarFloat.md
  • [ ] SetSVarInt.md
  • [ ] SetSVarString.md
  • [ ] SetSpawnInfo.md
  • [ ] SetTeamCount.md
  • [ ] SetTimer.md
  • [ ] SetTimerEx.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleAngularVelocity.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleHealth.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleNumberPlate.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleParamsCarDoors.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleParamsCarWindows.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleParamsEx.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleParamsForPlayer.md
  • [ ] SetVehiclePos.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleToRespawn.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleVelocity.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleVirtualWorld.md
  • [ ] SetVehicleZAngle.md
  • [ ] SetWeather.md
  • [ ] SetWorldTime.md
  • [ ] ShowMenuForPlayer.md
  • [ ] ShowNameTags.md
  • [ ] ShowPlayerDialog.md
  • [ ] ShowPlayerMarkers.md
  • [ ] ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer.md
  • [ ] SpawnPlayer.md
  • [ ] StartRecordingPlayback.md
  • [ ] StartRecordingPlayerData.md
  • [ ] StopAudioStreamForPlayer.md
  • [x] StopObject.md
  • [x] StopPlayerHoldingObject.md
  • [x] StopPlayerObject.md
  • [ ] StartRecordingPlayback.md
  • [ ] StopRecordingPlayerData.md
  • [ ] TextDrawAlignment.md
  • [ ] TextDrawBackgroundColor.md
  • [ ] TextDrawBoxColor.md
  • [ ] TextDrawColor.md
  • [ ] TextDrawCreate.md
  • [ ] TextDrawDestroy.md
  • [ ] TextDrawFont.md
  • [ ] TextDrawHideForAll.md
  • [ ] TextDrawHideForPlayer.md
  • [ ] TextDrawLetterSize.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetOutline.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetPreviewModel.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetPreviewRot.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetPreviewVehCol.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetProportional.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetSelectable.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetShadow.md
  • [ ] TextDrawSetString.md
  • [ ] TextDrawShowForAll.md
  • [ ] TextDrawShowForPlayer.md
  • [ ] TextDrawTextSize.md
  • [ ] TextDrawUseBox.md
  • [ ] Tickcount.md
  • [ ] TogglePlayerClock.md
  • [ ] TogglePlayerControllable.md
  • [ ] TogglePlayerSpectating.md
  • [ ] UnBlockIpAddress.md
  • [x] Update3DTextLabelText.md
  • [x] UpdatePlayer3DTextLabelText.md
  • [ ] UpdateVehicleDamageStatus.md
  • [ ] UsePlayerPedAnims.md
  • [ ] VectorSize.md
  • [x] acos.md
  • [x] asin.md
  • [x] atan.md
  • [x] atan2.md
  • [ ] clamp.md
  • [ ] db_close.md
  • [ ] db_debug_openfiles.md
  • [ ] db_debug_openresults.md
  • [ ] db_field_name.md
  • [ ] db_free_result.md
  • [ ] db_get_field.md
  • [ ] db_get_field_assoc.md
  • [ ] db_get_field_assoc_float.md
  • [ ] db_get_field_assoc_int.md
  • [ ] db_get_field_float.md
  • [ ] db_get_field_int.md
  • [ ] db_get_mem_handle.md
  • [ ] db_get_result_mem_handle.md
  • [ ] db_next_row.md
  • [ ] db_num_fields.md
  • [ ] db_num_rows.md
  • [ ] db_open.md
  • [ ] db_query.md
  • [ ] deleteproperty.md
  • [ ] existproperty.md
  • [ ] fblockread.md
  • [ ] fblockwrite.md
  • [ ] fclose.md
  • [ ] fexist.md
  • [ ] fgetchar.md
  • [ ] flength.md
  • [ ] float.md
  • [ ] floatabs.md
  • [ ] floatadd.md
  • [ ] floatcmp.md
  • [ ] floatcos.md
  • [ ] floatdiv.md
  • [ ] floatfract.md
  • [ ] floatlog.md
  • [ ] floatmul.md
  • [ ] floatpower.md
  • [ ] floatround.md
  • [ ] floatsin.md
  • [ ] floatsqroot.md
  • [ ] floatstr.md
  • [ ] floatsub.md
  • [ ] floattan.md
  • [ ] fmatch.md
  • [ ] fopen.md
  • [ ] format.md
  • [ ] fputchar.md
  • [ ] fread.md
  • [ ] fremove.md
  • [ ] fseek.md
  • [ ] ftemp.md
  • [ ] funcidx.md
  • [ ] fwrite.md
  • [ ] getarg.md
  • [ ] getdate.md
  • [ ] getproperty.md
  • [ ] gettime.md
  • [ ] gpci.md
  • [ ] heapspace.md
  • [ ] ispacked.md
  • [ ] listenport.md
  • [ ] max.md
  • [ ] memcpy.md
  • [ ] min.md
  • [ ] numargs.md
  • [ ] print.md
  • [ ] printf.md
  • [ ] random.md
  • [ ] sendpacket.md
  • [ ] sendstring.md
  • [ ] setarg.md
  • [ ] setproperty.md
  • [ ] strcat.md
  • [ ] strcmp.md
  • [ ] strdel.md
  • [ ] strfind.md
  • [ ] strins.md
  • [ ] strlen.md
  • [ ] strmid.md
  • [ ] strpack.md
  • [ ] strunpack.md
  • [ ] strval.md
  • [ ] swapchars.md
  • [ ] tolower.md
  • [ ] toupper.md
  • [ ] uudecode.md
  • [ ] uuencode.md
  • [ ] valstr.md


  • [ ] ControlStructures.md
  • [ ] Directives.md
  • [ ] Initialisers.md
  • [x] Operators.md
  • [ ] Statements.md
  • [ ] Style.md
  • [x] Tags.md
  • [x] Variables.md
  • [x] 00-Contents.md
  • [x] 01-Foreword.md
  • [ ] 02-A-tutorial-introduction.md
  • [ ] 03-Data-and-declarations.md
  • [ ] 04-Functions.md
  • [ ] 05-The-preprocessor.md
  • [ ] 06-General-syntax.md
  • [ ] 07-Operators-and-expressions.md
  • [ ] 08-Statements.md
  • [ ] 09-Directives.md
  • [ ] 10-Proposed-function-library.md
  • [ ] 11-Pitfalls-differences-from-C.md
  • [ ] 12-Assorted-tips.md
  • [ ] 13-Appendices.md


  • [ ] Componentslots.md
  • [ ] anglemodes.md
  • [ ] animations.md
  • [ ] bodyparts.md
  • [ ] boneid.md
  • [ ] bullethittypes.md
  • [ ] callbacks-sequence.md
  • [ ] cameracutstyles.md
  • [ ] cameramodes.md
  • [ ] carcomponentid.md
  • [ ] clicksources.md
  • [ ] colorslist.md
  • [ ] connectionstatus.md
  • [ ] constants.md
  • [ ] crimelist.md
  • [ ] damagestatus.md
  • [ ] dialogstyles.md
  • [ ] doorstates.md
  • [ ] escapecodes.md
  • [x] explosionlist.md
  • [ ] fightingstyles.md
  • [ ] floatroundmodes.md
  • [ ] gametextstyles.md
  • [ ] glossary.md
  • [ ] hexcolors.md
  • [ ] interiorids.md
  • [ ] keys.md
  • [ ] lightstates.md
  • [ ] limits.md
  • [ ] mapicons.md
  • [ ] mapiconstyles.md
  • [ ] markermodes.md
  • [ ] materialtextalignment.md
  • [ ] materialtextsizes.md
  • [ ] networkstats.md
  • [ ] objecteditionresponsetypes.md
  • [ ] original-car-colors.md
  • [ ] paintjobs.md
  • [ ] panelstates.md
  • [ ] pickupids.md
  • [ ] pickuptypes.md
  • [ ] playerstates.md
  • [ ] pvartypes.md
  • [ ] recordtypes.md
  • [ ] samp_objects.md
  • [ ] selectobjecttypes.md
  • [ ] shopnames.md
  • [ ] skins.md
  • [ ] sound-ids.md
  • [ ] specialactions.md
  • [ ] spectatemodes.md
  • [ ] start.md
  • [ ] startingids.md
  • [ ] svartypes.md
  • [ ] textalignments.md
  • [ ] textdraws.md
  • [ ] textdrawsprites.md
  • [ ] tirestates.md
  • [ ] vehiclecolorid.md
  • [ ] vehiclehealth.md
  • [ ] vehicleid.md
  • [ ] vehicleinformationtypes.md
  • [ ] vendingmachines.md
  • [ ] weaponids.md
  • [ ] weaponskills.md
  • [ ] weaponstates.md
  • [ ] weatherid.md


  • [x] CommonIssues.md
  • [x] ControllingServer.md
  • [x] LagCompensation.md
  • [x] RemoteConsole.md
  • [x] server.cfg.md


  • [x] awesome.md
  • [x] index.md

dockfries avatar Aug 23 '22 03:08 dockfries