Results 10 issues of David Schneider

[An improvement in Chromium OS security]( has broken all the internet tutorials for crouton. Oops. But it's OK, with the power of the internet, we can fix the internet! If...


Fixes #3860


Past me says this: > Use modesetting; glamor will happen by default if available. > Compatibility with Intel DRI has deteriorated significantly with Freon. > Using modesetting will be the...


Got the notification that manifest v2 extensions might be disabled starting June 2024. I'd take that date with a grain of salt, but as the crouton extension currently relies on...

If you have two parts with a huge number of NC pins on a schematic, you don't want the NC pins happening to line up with each other. This edit...

The INA231 only goes up to 28V (and will pop above 30V), but the new EPR spec has voltages up to 48V. At the moment, the Chromium Twinkie design doesn't...

Might be nice to reduce the unique BOM items for the sake of making it easy for DIYers to prep materials. None of these should have functional impact: * R22...

This requires minor code changes, but sort of similar to [this design](, you can eliminate the Q2 and Q3 double FETs and drive the resistors directly from the STM32. Resistors...

Newer python will warn about incorrect escapes.