Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D.

Results 52 issues of Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D.

JSON file output sometimes contains a NaN, e.g.: ``` [...] "fwhm_y": 4.22584, "fwhm_z": 4.806127999999999, "gcor": 0.00480853, "gsr_x": NaN, "gsr_y": 0.36533844470977783, [...] ``` I'm not sure what the right thing to...


If `HISTSIZE` is unset in your `.zshrc`, zsh-history-to-fish only processes 1000 lines of history. Set it to a large number instead to get your whole file. I consider this a...

I am getting: ``` /bin/sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable Error: Command failed: wget --help | grep "content-on-error" || true /bin/sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable at genericNodeError (node:internal/errors:956:15) at wrappedFn (node:internal/errors:510:14)...

I tried running process_iterator_test, and got: Assertion failed: (tot_usage / i < 1.1 && tot_usage / i > 0.8), function test_process_group_single, file process_iterator_test.c, line 189. Abort trap: 6 (on OS...

I was referred to your version from https://github.com/cl3m/MiddleClick/issues/30#issuecomment-520525081 but your version (https://github.com/LoPablo/MiddleClick/releases/tag/2.3) also dies after sleep/wake.

Am I misunderstanding something? Here's a public gist: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/74c4f765c7d83073b969 I would have expected one of the following URLs to work: http://gist.io/anonymous/74c4f765c7d83073b969 or http://gist.io/74c4f765c7d83073b969 but neither does.

It looks from reading the code like there's some AI logic in there to actually figure out what word to use strategically. Do you have plans on exposing that functionality...

Is there any possibility of building a Docker/Singularity container that has R and the required R packages, so 3dMVM will work?

Dunno if this is actually possible but can the scroll bar be made less ugly? Or is that a browser thing that can't be touched?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/178401/Screenshots/pbih.png See screenshot.