Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D.

Results 29 comments of Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D.

Oh, you know what - I didn't notice that you're not doing the gzip yourself. I agree that keeping it simple and without undue dependencies is better than whatever benefit...

The hotlist is extremely easy to miss; it would be nice if the message were even inline.

I'm getting this as well. What's the fix? Pushes work but every single time I get "service type not selected".

``` $ docker run -it centos:7 bash [root@97278c3242d3 /]# which yes bash: which: command not found [root@97278c3242d3 /]# command -v yes /usr/bin/yes ```

We're running into this same issue as well - but we **only** have niftis, no jsons. Is that a problem?

We run: ``` singularity exec -B /data/skohut /cm/shared/singularity/images/mriqc-latest.sif mriqc /data/skohut/data/cathinone /data/skohut/data/cathinone/quality participant --no-sub -w /data/skohut/work ``` [Here are the contents of /data/skohut/data/cathinone](https://github.com/nipreps/mriqc/files/8585120/in.txt)

I suspect this may require #96 to be resolved first.

Yes, console is useful when looking at the logs... as long as it actually works (see #96).

Sorry, updating to latest with `git pull` fixed this!