Dirk Lüth

Results 5 issues of Dirk Lüth

The currently implemented code for multipass leads SVGO to completely ignore config options for `datauri` and `path` in most cases so that it will never base64-encode to datauri.

I am not 100% sure if my problem really is jsdom-worker related but I guess here is my best starting point: I am currently working on a lerna monorepo where...

`./ffmpeg.nvmpi -i rtp://some-h264-rtp-stream -vf deblock -c:v h264_nvmpi -c:a copy -f null -` leads to `Segmentation fault (core dumped)` in 99% of cases instantly. Compiled on Jetson Nano exactly from README.md...

This leads to, e.g., rollup-plugin-svgo to never be able to utilize a base64 encoded datauri. I issued a corresponding PR for SVGO, see https://github.com/svg/svgo/pull/1679

Taken from https://github.com/expressjs/compression/pull/128