Dirk Lüth

Results 10 comments of Dirk Lüth

@GavinDarkglider sorry for the late reply. The second patch does not work as well. Not segfaulting but as soon as I start encoding I get broken pipe.

Oh, an update for JP 4.5 would be soooooo great - if it is possible ;)

@ciobania see [here](https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/foolproof-guide-to-move-from-microsd-to-usb-ssd/167785/6), it is possible, quite easy

Experiencing this as an issue as well.

@TrySound Would you mind having a look eventually?

@hassanokrad same here :(

@porsager This is fixed in SVGO v3.0.0, see https://github.com/svg/svgo/releases/tag/v3.0.0

Is this repo/project dead @porsager ?