Dennis Li
Dennis Li
This is necessary because if internal auth is enabled and credential propagation is disabled, a default placeholder credential is used for propagation. This causes internal auth to break because it...
[CDAP-19581] Start deployment watcher thread for non-system namespaces and add logs to CDAP resource creation failure in k8s Context: this is required for running realtime streaming pipelines in hybrid environments...
Cherry-pick of #14536 [CDAP-19448] Add interface method for directly retrieving a program classloader from the ProgramRuntimeProvider" [CDAP-19529] Provide interface for loading TwillRunnable classes to master environment runnable via context [CDAP-19529]...
This allows us to localize dependency classes and jars via the FileLocalizer which is necessary for classes which are required to run on cdap-kubernetes.
Context: keeping it in the spark extension module can cause an environment to fail when it has not yet loaded runtime extensions. Considering SparkTwillRunnable has no dependency on spark itself,...
This depends on the usage of Spark 3.2 which has fixed the bug of parsing a directory ending in `.jar` as a jar file. See for details.
[CDAP-19484] Revert CDAP-19448 and unpack artifacts in task workers again [CDAP-19484] Update scala dependency Cherry-pick of #14710 [CDAP-19484]: [CDAP-19484]: