David Lee

Results 43 issues of David Lee

Normally, when you type `:e %` and press `tab`, the `%` will expand to the current buffer's path. However, with `cmp-cmdline`, the `%` will expand to the path but with...

I have the mapping: ``` vim map w CamelCaseMotion_w ``` When I do `2cw` or `2dw`, it deletes two words the first time, but then when I repeat the action...

It would be super useful to show native methods in the [docs](http://sugarjs.com/api), so that there's one place to see all methods available on a given type.


The VIM output is piped to STDOUT without letting me interact with the VIM interface. You can briefly see VIM's warning message: Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal...

* Framework7 version: 3.0.7 * React.js version: 16.4 ### Describe the bug Framework7 React is missing the Picker component.

Feature Request

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I want to open/close an Accordion without animation. **Describe the solution you'd like** The `open()/close()/toggle()` methods should accept an `animate`...

Feature Request

Right now, sliding frames only move after a swipe gesture has been completed. It would be good if the frames actually tracked the touch to make things feel more natural.

When you're dragging an item, you cannot scroll the container using touchpad/mousewheel scrolling.

The function to add the global listener in `useEffect` will be rerun in every render since no dependency array is provided: https://github.com/CharlesStover/reactn/blob/master/src/use-global.ts#L69-L83 Is this intentional?

Added default shortcuts for bold, italic, and underline (Command-B, Command-I, Command-U).