David Lee

Results 43 issues of David Lee

Mac convention is to use Command-B and Command-I for bold and italics. Because hallo doesn't follow those conventions, there's no way to bold a selection using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-B...

Add Navigation drawer (aka. off-canvas slide-in menu or fly-in menu) support. This is a very popular UI pattern nowadays. http://cyrilmottier.com/2012/05/29/the-making-of-prixing-2-swiping-the-fly-in-app-menu/


I develop on a complex web app with many services, and most of these services are proxy routed via path (like nginx's location) rather than subdomain. Would it be possible...

Allow configuring how long it takes to trigger a `press` event. Right now, it's a static 251ms.

In the [Nesting Navigators](https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation.github.io/blob/main/versioned_docs/version-6.x/typescript.md#type-checking-screens-and-params-in-nested-navigator) guide, the example given does not work with the stack structure provided in the page (which is not nested to begin with). I believe the author...

Add Range support


It would be great if we could support fading the statusbar instead of abruptly showing/hiding.


I want to be able to pause music loaded via LowLatencyAudio.

### Describe the bug Calling `brew tap` fails with the following error: ``` ❯ brew tap dwarvesf/homebrew-tap ==> Tapping dwarvesf/tap Cloning into '/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/dwarvesf/homebrew-tap'... remote: Enumerating objects: 140, done. remote: Counting...

It would be great if this plugin worked with Framework7 v4.