David Laehnemann

Results 65 comments of David Laehnemann

Thanks for digging into this! Would you feel comfortable adding your minimal example from #1811 as a test case? This would ensure that (i) this problem is fixed and (ii)...

As I'm not a code owner, I cannot provide the final code review. But I'll point @johanneskoester here.

@Jahysama : It somehow doesn't find the dummy package on Windows. I have no clue about Windows and Python on Windows, and didn't see anything obvious, where it might go...

Perfect, thanks for the quick fix. Fingers crossed that the test now also completes on windows.

Sorry, I have no quick and easy ideas for a fix. One way that should make this script work better on such large datasets could be to exchange `pandas` code...

Also, another caveat: switching to `polars` does not guarantee that this will run through. It's just more likely.

Fingers crossed! :sweat_smile: As a more general solution, some meaningful way of (programmatically) stratifying samples might make sense, i.e. having some sort of annotation column in `config/samples.tsv` that defines groups...

This question also arose on stackoverflow, and I found a workaround for the main (intersection) bars that I posted there: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56704255/2352071 What remains impossible with that workaround is overlaying the...

Sorry, I just resorted to creating that manually, as I only had a single plot. But `Example 5` in this tutorial might work: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/UpSetR/vignettes/queries.html Otherwise, there seems to be a...

Nice, you might also want to add this info to the stackoverflow question, that does seem to get some traffic! :) https://stackoverflow.com/a/56704255/2352071