Results 17 issues of Daniel Kumor

With latest tensorwatch and pytorch 1.4, I would expect the following code, based on the example in readme to create a plot of loss: ```python import tensorwatch as tw import...

This issue is related to hashicorp/hcl2#23, in that I could not figure out the API in the hclwrite package to perform a modification within a specified existing block. Suppose the...


Would it be reasonable to request that a custom `"x-order": ["prop1","prop2"]` to be added to objects? That way the desired order of object fields in the form can be clearly...

When searching for a tab with the search box, I have the natural tendency to do the following: 1) ctrl+shift+space: open the extension popup 2) start typing search query 3)...

PR welcomed :)

Currently, views happen either at a per-timeseries, or as a per-query form. Heedy should gain support for generic dashboarding functionality to show multiple plots/pieces of data from multiple different queries,...

A full sweep upgrade of the Python client. This will correspond to a breaking 0.2.0 version of the client, since there are changes being made during documentation writing to make...

Heedy currently uses Vue 2, and should be converted to Vue 3. This conversion cannot happen until all upstream libraries that are used are also converted. In particular: - [...

This will require plug-in backend support, since heedy will need to know where to send the data once the object is created - but data export will also require this...

As discussed in #357, it might be useful to add an extra (optional) metadata field `m` to datapoints, so that a datapoint is of the form: ```javascript { "t": 12345.0,...

While data can be added one at a time from the heedy UI, sometimes the user might have a raw csv file from which they want to insert data into...