Results 19 comments of Daniel Kumor

Yeah, Grafana is a powerful tool for analysis, and writing code to allow Grafana to take the data stored in Heedy and visualize it would be really cool! I think...

Currently all releases are built/pushed manually. The docker-built binaries are also extracted as the standalone binaries used for each release. The following sequence of commands was used for preparing release...

Unfortunately, windows is not supported right now. Since heedy plugins communicate using Unix sockets and heedy itself sends signals to plug-in processes, windows support would need to wait until Python...

As far as I know, using WSL (the windows ubuntu) should "just work" with the Linux version of heedy. If you end up trying it, let me know if it...

It's great that you manged to get it working in WSL2! One quick comment: please make sure to build off the release tag, since master is currently not fully functional!...

1) Each type of data has its own timeseries, so you would have weight, body fat, etc. timeseries separately. Heedy has dataset generation machinery that allows you to put the...

Timeseries can definitely be created during runtime! The documentation for that was just committed a couple days ago: If importing from a plugin, you'll usually want to have an...

Overall, my goal for heedy is to make it as useful as possible both for me and for other people. I will try to make the software support whatever formats...

I will have to think about the idea of adding explicit tags to datapoints. There are many situations where an additional metadata component to each datapoint would be useful, not...

It looks like you are correct. The siteurl use case that works is redirecting a subdomain, ie, That will work temporarily - I will see what can be done...